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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The hermit set out of camp at midnight, carrying his backpack and his bag of break-in tools, and threaded through the forest, rock to root to rock, every step memorized. Not a boot print left behind. It was cold and nearly moonless, a fine night for a raid, so he hiked about an hour to the Pine Tree summer camp, a few dozen cabins spread along the shoreline of North Pond in central Maine. With an expert twist of a screwdriver, he popped open a door of the dining hall and slipped inside, scanning the pantry shelves with his penlight. read more

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

This week, government scientists published a paper in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics that has added to the debate. It is the analysis behind a 300-page report released last August from the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institutes of Health That report concluded with "moderate confidence" that there may be a link between high levels of fluoride exposure and lowered IQ. read more

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

I encourage disclosure. This thread is directed toward open dialogue, wit and a countermeasure to insulting politics. Dig into this first link regarding the MH370 incident.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Israel continues to display that children are terrorists who rely on their tiny stature to gain sympathy.


Donald Trump lifts TikTok ban, mocks Biden; shares Gaza's real estate potential | Janta Ka Reporter 2,271 views 1 hour ago

The raw footage of Trump signing the pile of executive orders.

"You know what BRICS nation is? You'll find out."

"The people of Greenland are not happy with Denmark. I think they're happy with us."

"It's necessary for international security."

The damning has begun.

Biden ADMITS Netanyahu CONFESSED War Crimes In Gaza 8,065 views 8 hours ago

People are finding skulls with bullet holes in the streets and under rubble. Many of the "missing" civilians were executed in the streets by Israeli.

Jabalia is a wasteland.

The death toll is undoubtedly hundreds of thousands more than Israel reports.

Trump Supporters SEETHE After Getting SCAMMED by His Meme Coin: He "F***ed Us" 3,747 views 18 minutes ago

Melania's crypto is crippling Trump's crypto. At launch it crashed his by 40%.

The real-time investors complaining is hilarious.

CRIME IS LEGAL!': Trump SCAMS MAGA With Memecoin | The Kyle Kulinski Show 40K views 3 hours ago

"rent seeking 80% of the value"

Shut down because the youth were seeing what is happening in Palestine.

Gaza ceasefire takes effect; destruction paints grim picture of US complicity | Janta Ka Reporter 12,703 views 8 hours ago

You can plainly see there is nothing to return to.

Biden is a monster, braindead or not.

Biden Warns of "Oligarchy" in America as Billionaires Flock to Trump Inauguration: A Closer Look 1,099,451 views 1 day ago

Bernie's montage says it all.

Joe Biden to rich donors: "Nothing would fundamentally change" if he's elected Published June 19, 2019 5:00PM (EDT)

Former Vice President Joe Biden assured rich donors at a ritzy New York fundraiser that "nothing would fundamentally change" if he is elected.

Biden told donors at an event at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan on Tuesday evening that he would not "demonize" the rich and promised that "no one's standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change," Bloomberg News reported.

CRUEL BLOW As Gaza Ceasefire Is Exposed As A MASSIVE SCAM 87K views 1 day ago

As predicted, the "ceasefire" is another scam.

The fact that Israel bombed 78 people the same day after agreeing to ceasefire speaks clearly of their sincerity and has since been confirmed daily.

Ynet claims that "behind the deal" Netanyahu and Trump are negotiating for a Nobel peace prize.

BREAKING: MSNBC Suddenly Terrified of Oligarchy! 16K views 10 hours ago

Ed Schultz exposes what happened during Bernies presidential announcement near 8:40.

The Chris Matthews montage around 14:00 is enraging.

The MSM are squarely in the oligarchy tool chest, just like their entire guest rotation.

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