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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Donald Trump claims he was robbed of a second term back in 2020 and appears to want to go on the offensive to prevent a sequel. read more

Some of the signature characteristics of the Republic Party under Trump is to never accept responsibility for failure, never apologize, never admit a mistake, and never admit that you lost. Those traits were passed to Donald Trump by his mentor and first attorney Roy Cohn in the 1970s, and now they have infected the entire Republican Party. In an ironic twist, election-denier and Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good, who voted against certifying the electoral votes from 6 states on January 6, 2021, is now claiming that his Trump-endorsed opponent John McGuire attempted to steal their election by cheating. Because of course he did.

Friday, June 21, 2024

A Missouri Senate candidate faces allegations he assaulted the vice chair of the Jackson County Republican Party during a dispute over an overflowing toilet. read more

Kyle Rittenhouse's sister Faith is seeking $3,000 on a crowdfunding website in a bid to prevent the eviction of herself and her mother Wendy from their home, citing her "brother's unwillingness to provide or contribute to our family." On August 25, 2020, Rittenhouse shot three men, two of them fatally, during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, which followed a Black Lives Matter demonstration in the city. Rittenhouse, then aged 17, claimed he was in the city to help protect local businesses from looters and vandals. Faith went on to say she and her mother had been "left to navigate this journey on our own" due to "my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family." Faith later said she had been unable to work for four months as a result of "frequent hospitalizations due to medical issues," adding: "We've fallen behind on rent, and now we're facing eviction with only 8 days left in our apartment.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been bombarded with death threats and harassing messages in the three weeks since his office secured Donald Trump's conviction, the Daily News has learned. read more


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