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Monday, November 04, 2024

"I'm standing there and people are moving and this kid just turned around and he punched me. I don't know where he came from," [70-year-old woman] said. "He punched me in the gut and knocked me on the ground, and I fell back and hit the ground. Thank goodness the two ladies were behind me so I didn't hit my head." read more

Former President Donald Trump stumped in Michigan on Friday, where he told rally-goers he has beautiful white skin" after criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris. read more

A dozen Black canvassers were tricked, threatened, and driven in seatless U-Haul vans. They were fired after WIRED reported on their plight"some without full pay or a way back home. Muldrow and the rest of her canvassing group of roughly a dozen people had just been fired en masse, after WIRED reported that they had been tricked and threatened as part of Musk's get-out-the-vote effort. Speaking publicly for the first time about her ordeal, Muldrow says that the canvassers in her group were fired with little explanation beyond a complaint that someone had spoken with the press. Many, including her, were still owed money. Muldrow had to find her own way home; others are still stranded in Michigan.

The editorial board of The New York Times just eviscerated Donald Trump in a single paragraph. "You already know Donald Trump. He is unfit to lead. Watch him. Listen to those who know him best. He tried to subvert an election and remains a threat to democracy. He helped overturn Roe, with terrible consequences. Mr. Trump's corruption and lawlessness go beyond elections: It's his whole ethos. He lies without limit. If he's re-elected, the G.O.P. won't restrain him. Mr. Trump will use the government to go after opponents. He will pursue a cruel policy of mass deportations. He will wreak havoc on the poor, the middle class and employers. Another Trump term will damage the climate, shatter alliances and strengthen autocrats. Americans should demand better. Vote." read more

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Former President Donald Trump's social media company outsourced jobs to workers in Mexico even as Trump publicly railed against outsourcing on the campaign trail and threatened heavy tariffs on companies that send jobs south of the border. read more


Neo-Nazi Influencer Nick Fuentes Now Says Trumpism Is a Cult'


At the Trump rallies, they're yelling trash for Trump, trash for Trump. And I saw other people. I saw white guys. I saw Hispanic guys, Hispanic guys inside trash cans jumping out of them with Trump signs, white guys with garbage bags that say trash for Trump," said Fuentes.

"That was the moment when I realized Trumpism was a cult. That was the moment when I realized liberals are right. That was the moment when I realized it had gone too far. It is Frankenstein's monster. We have created a golem. It is a problem."

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