How many transgender people do you work around, or encounter? None? You keep a very controversial view despite that level of personal ignorance?
#5 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-28 01:17 PM | Flag GFY
Actually hundreds. Seriously. My cousin transitioned in the 80's and via him/her I met packs of them off and on. I used to rent rooms to them when they couldn't get a room anywhere else. Back before the silliness had the current cache... Most of their angst is self-inflicted and I have never played the game of "they were/are actually the opposite sex". It's a lie. I always held that they were men who wanted to emulate women... which is all they are... or will ever be. Even the ones that did the extreme body modifications.
Don't get me started on the ones (born males) who think they are lesbians. AKA... straight guys with extreme fetish. The are turned on by themselves... seriously. They will sit there and talk about their T&A for hours.
You see I have no problem with what they do up until the point where they want me to lie about what they termed their "medical past". Being born isn't a medical condidtion. It's mostly men throwing the hissy fit... the F2Ms aren't up to the challenges... and are more often sick of the movement because it is more of a threat to them... Trust me the male-borns don't care.
Real women don't have a prostate... trans women do.
They are committed to a lifetime of medical treatments to maintain the illusion. The VA has enough problems without having to finance some guy's fantasy.
I don't care what Marianne Williamson says... Thinking and believing don't make things real.
When someone gets a facelift is it called "age reassignment"? If so then the president and first lady are in a perpetual state of adolescence.
I get so sick of ignorant people like you wagging your finger in my face about this. They don't only hurt themselves but it is like living around a living suicide... a zombie of sorts... hanging around... all to self-centeredly "live their truth".
They are a very small part of the population and thus are very lonely and SELF-isolated by their own actions... which is why they have so many problems unless they hook up with a sugar daddy with a twisty kink.
Oh boohoo nobody understands them... yeah well play stupid games... get stupid prizes. Most people don't give a crap... seriously... until some chick with a deek starts shaming them for not going along for misgendering them at a swim meet.
I can tell you all the tricks they use to get on the hormone pipeline... the changed identity... all of it.
I'm not a CIS... TERF... and I didn't vote for Trumpanzee.
Most of them are very narcissistic... so kindred spirits to Trumpanzee... seriously... its all about them... I will defend them one human to another... I don't want them hurt... but the current spate of crap is off the wall... they deserve what they get with their arrogant silliness.
You know when people ran around naked I bet this was never a discussion... it was just some dude wanting to be a woman... but because of a new medical industry and gender clinics... the public is being sold a line of goods akin to witch-doctoring.
I repeat
I've had more experience with them than 95% of the people I know... In 45 years I've never thought differently. I have two spayed tom cats. They didn't become queens... they just became fat lazy eunuchs... which is sort of how ith plays out for most Trans.
Hmmmm we must be preparing for war.