Just a quick history lesson, Russia was communist back during the Reagan administration. I guess the lefts biggest problem with Russia now is they aren't communist anymore?
#8 | Posted by THEBULL at 2025-02-25 06:35 AM | Reply ERM NOOOOOO
I see you ate up all the stupid... again...
We object to Trumpanzee's support of a former high-ranking KGB agent... now president... who led a coup to assassinate Michail Gorbachev. Remember him? He was the one who ended communism in Russia.
(psssst it wasn't Reagan)
Putin has been hell-bent on reclaiming territories lost at the break-up... hence the invasion of Ukraine. True story.
He and Trumpanzee want to turn back time.
Do you honestly think a nation with close economic, military, political ties, and proximity to China is veering away from Communism?
Iran, China, and Russia have an alliance... and that is why we don't count on Republicl0wns to fight communism or totalitarianism
Here's the shopping list of Russia's allies
China, Belarus, Vietnam, North Korea, Myanmar, Eritrea, Mali, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine, Libya, Armenia, Burundi, Syria, India, and a few others. It's a socialist wet dream! Hardly the bastions of of democratic capitalism. Look into it when you tire of spewing the asinine.
Trumpanzee and his flying monkeys want to be part of that club.
Your stupidity explains your name. You suck. GFY Crack open a book.
Putin doesn't have the power to expand... all he has is a bunch of nukes he can't use... so he's dragging the US into it.