He gave them a wakeup call and they really need to up their game.
#14 | Posted by MSgt at 2025-02-14 11:47 PM | FLAG PPPPFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT
Oh please... a major part of the civil unrest in the country is due to this "The Greatest Military in the Whirrrled" losing war after war. Our "veterans" and their families get no "satisfactory" resolution to the conflict they (we) sacrificed themselves for. They get no "Victory Parades" in honor of their actions like granpappy got. Our "might" is a bluff... only kept in place by the reality of mutual destruction...
Your republicl0wn "Commanders in Chief" wannabe "War Presnits" Nixon and Bush and Bush... loss, losing, and lost... the last ones were the longest in US history... for zilch... and the sale of our largest oil refinery to the ones who financed the wars against us.... even after "crippling economic sanctions" they still managed to kick our asses out of their affairs. There was a reason the "Coalition of the Willing" flopped...
Furthermore... the way the US treats Canada the only country that stuck it out with us with boots on the ground... the rest walked away long ago...
You overrate our imperialistic capabilities... which is what you are cheering for.
Our military couldn't protect us from 9/11... they were caught with their pants down...frantically flying in circles wondering wtf just bombed their headquarters. Civilians did it armed with box cutters... and civilians armed with less... brought those planes down.
Europe lost 75 million people in WW2.... mostly civilians... (because wars are won by civilians)... fighting Hitler compared to our reluctant half a million.
Canada was already engaged in WW2 two years before the US got over its anti-Semitism.
step up their game indeed.... ppppfffffttttt... puhleeze.
P.S. Well over half the world is Socialist... True story...
Would I be too out of line to say that on the right it manifests in gun fetishes, while on the left, it manifests in identity angst?
#6 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-02-18 06:23 PM |
I think you're correct. Parents are deluded into thinking their kids are "safe at home". Perhaps their bodies are but their minds they are elsewhere living an alternate life. Either they are serial killers (for all intents and purposes)... or hanging out with sexual fetishists engaging in interactive porn...
It's not limited to kids either. Adults cheat on their spouses and spouses figure as long as they aren't leaving the home...