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Does the FEC just allow all of Biden's campaign contributions to be given to Harris? That seems fraudulent to the donors.

This has already been covered here. Your Google broken or something?

JFC You dumb lazy fnkc:

As Vice President and Biden's running mate, Kamala Harris is well-positioned to take control of Biden's campaign infrastructure and financial resources. Here are the key points supporting this:

Harris can inherit the campaign's existing funds and infrastructure if she becomes the Democratic nominee for either president or vice president.

The Biden-Harris campaign committee is shared, allowing Harris and her potential running mate to continue using the campaign's existing funds for the general election.

Harris automatically inherits Biden's campaign treasury and campaign infrastructure, as it was the Biden-Harris reelection committee.

Access to the substantial war chest held by the Biden-Harris campaign (over $91 million as of June) could easily be given to Harris, but not to any other potential candidate.

As the logical alternative to Biden, Harris gains a significant advantage in terms of campaign resources and organization compared to any other potential Democratic candidates.

This arrangement gives Harris a considerable head start in terms of campaign infrastructure and funding, should she become the Democratic nominee. It's important to note that while she has access to these resources, she still needs to secure the nomination through the delegate process at the Democratic National Convention.


Swallow it.

Kamala Harris faced several criticisms during her tenure as Attorney General of California:

Death Penalty Stance: Harris was criticized for her inconsistent positions on the death penalty. While she opposed it as San Francisco's District Attorney, she defended California's death penalty laws as Attorney General, which some saw as contradictory.

Truancy Program: Harris's truancy program aimed at reducing school absenteeism faced backlash for its punitive measures. Critics argued that it disproportionately affected low-income families and led to unintended consequences, such as the arrest of a mother whose child had chronic illness-related absences.

Tough on Crime Policies: Despite her reputation as a progressive prosecutor, Harris was often labeled as part of the "tough on crime" era. She faced scrutiny for her reluctance to support certain police accountability measures and her resistance to releasing wrongfully imprisoned individuals.

Legislative Reluctance: Harris was criticized for her limited engagement with legislative processes. During the early days of the Black Lives Matter movement, she focused more on policies she could implement independently rather than actively participating in legislative debates on police accountability.

Handling of For-Profit Colleges: While Harris took significant action against for-profit colleges, such as suing Corinthian Colleges for misleading students, some viewed her efforts as part of a broader pattern of selective enforcement.

Environmental Stances: Harris's actions against fossil fuel companies and her stance on fracking were points of contention. She sued several major companies over environmental violations but faced criticism for her perceived inconsistency, especially when her position on fracking conflicted with then-presidential candidate Joe Biden's stance.

I always figured her Tough on Crime policies as AG (bold above) would have been a welcomed quality by those on the right. Hell, the Biden-Harris ticket was, and still is to this day, the most supportive ticket for Tough on Crime and War on Drugs policies in American history.

As Vice President, Kamala Harris has made several notable accomplishments:

Record-breaking tie-breaking votes: Harris has cast more tie-breaking votes in the Senate than any other Vice President in U.S. history, surpassing a record that stood for nearly 200 years. These votes have been consequential, including the decisive vote to pass the landmark Inflation Reduction Act.

Leading on reproductive rights: Harris has become the face of the Democratic Party's push for abortion rights since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. She launched a "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms" tour and became the first sitting VP to visit an abortion clinic.

Voting rights advocacy: Harris led the Biden administration's efforts to expand voting rights, including helping craft legislation (though it was ultimately stalled in the Senate).

Foreign policy engagement: She has represented the nation abroad, embarking on more than a dozen foreign trips, traveling to over 19 countries, and meeting with more than 150 world leaders to strengthen global alliances.

Climate action: Harris has been involved in efforts to address the climate crisis, including presiding over the vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which included significant climate-related investments.

Economic initiatives: As part of the Biden-Harris administration, she has been involved in efforts to create jobs, keep unemployment low, and support small business creation.

Healthcare improvements: Harris has played a role in capping insulin costs for seniors, cutting prescription prices, and improving maternal health by expanding postpartum care through Medicaid.

Diversity in government: Working alongside President Biden, Harris has contributed to achieving historic representation of women and people of color among nominees at all levels of the federal government.

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