It probably doesn't cost 10x more to make
#28 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-28 07:38 AM | Reply
Elon musk thought so to. Dunning-Kruger in action. We know he was factually incorrect. Besides volume and technology mattering significantly in pricing, there is a massive engineering gap between the two. Automotive grade displays can handle temps to 185F, consumer electronics is 104F. Humidity, vibration, & shock resistance have to be orders of magnitude better. It has to be a minimum 800 nit screen to read it in sunlight, your TV is around 300 nit. A TV life cycle is 2-5 years, Automotive displays are 10-15. An automotive display has to comply with ISO, AEC, and EMC standards, a regular display only has to pass basic FCC consumer electronics regs. The product has to go through extended, harsh environment automotive testing.
These are all things early Tesla absolutely refused to do or pay for. They used TV grade screens because it was an order of magnitude cheaper and readily available, and they test things on the road with end users instead of investing in the sprawling test facilities owned by the "legacy automakers".
There's some homeless camps in Houston but the Dems in charge routinely bulldoze them. Not quite like Portland despite nearly 4x more people. If you want to see the zombies in the wild, you volunteer at the food pantry near Gunspoint (greenspoint) on one of the days of the month they hand out methadone at the clinic next door. When you are done with your shift you'll get to slalom around the zombies as they shamble through the street all day. It has a real Walking Dead vibe to it.