Young men like Tasker, seen as a solidly Democratic group less than two decades ago, have been shifting further to the right politically as their economic outlook has been on a downward trajectory, especially among those without a college degree, said pollsters and social scientists. While the economy has been a top issue for many voters, it's been a particularly salient one for young men and one tied into their wider cultural ideals about their place in society and wanting to be a provider for their families. read more
But it doesn't change the fact that government isn't doing anything government hasn't been doing.
This is a self-inflicted would and the people most responsible for it are the ones that are, inexplicably, being turned to to "fix it."
#41 | Posted by jpw at 2024-10-14 06:53 PM | Reply | Flag:
It's not inexplicable. This group grew up during Obama, then Trump, then Biden. They've mostly been run by Dems.