When America replaced its once Clark Kent and Daily Planet example of an honest apolitical news media we almost lost honesty in the country. Without such honesty and objectivity in the news media and everything and every story is suspect and turns rotten.
#13 | Posted by Robson
The news media has always been imperfect. But it allowed our democracy to function for 2 centuries.
Then fascists and russians came along and told morons that ALL news was lies. They would report the opposite of the truth, so that morons wouldnt know which side to believe and give up trying.
And here you are, the rotten fruit of their labor, cheering as the a thing that made america great is destroyed.
Trump's cult proves that fascism lives in in the dark soul of every country, even the one that beat the nazis.
Americans who grew up cheering for movies where nazis got killed are now rooting for nazis. Elect a black president and white people lose their minds.