What do you know about the steps I've taken to best position myself for the road ahead?
I've made personal, financial, and professional moves specifically because Donald Trump is in the White House.
What have you done? Besides crying like a little bitch on this blog?
you don't take any of this seriously. You're just a little ----- begging for attention. You're not doing anything, making any adjustments, etc.
Just whining on a blog.
So what do you care about what "reality" I understand?
#111 | Posted by eberly a
BOTH SIDESers like you are the reason we're on this road to hell. You spend years parroting the same fascist disinfo that infected millions of american voters.
Vladimir and Rupert are WAY smarter than you, little fella.
I was thinking your real name is closer to someone like.....say....Gilligan.
#117 | Posted by eberly
The guy who's still giving trump the benefit of the doubt is insulting my intelligence.
Stop. It hurts too much.