... DemocRAT lawfare...
#8 | Posted by visitor_
Are you really this stupid and naive, or do you just play on the internet?
You really believe that after months and months of trickery and machinations, and hundreds, if not thousands, of people bribed, coerced, and manipulated, that they couldn't just throw him in prison? They were competent enough to foist this giant conspiracy, yet couldn't get the corrupt judge to finalize the deal?
Just be honest with yourself and admit you don't care that he's a criminal conman rapist and get on with your life.
...whose fault is it that so many people believe this?
#32 | Posted by kwrx25
I don't know, do the honest, law abiding immigrants accept the lawbreakers? Do they cover for them? Is that part of the everyday life of immigrants, being rapists and murderers?
Cops accept and encourage their own to lie and cheat as a matter of culture. Even the so called "good" cops capitulate to the corruption of their cohorts.
Not sure honest immigrants are covering for anyone.