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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Christina Bobb, who will help oversee the Republican National Committee's "election integrity" efforts, is a "big lie" proponent, an election conspiracy theorist who played a prominent role in a scandal that led to one of Trump's many felony indictments, and is now under indictment in Arizona, where she has been charged with election-related crimes. read more

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Zac Anderson: Like many things that Trump does, bringing back into the fold a group of political operatives that he pardoned has no modern historical precedent. ... "With Lincoln, they had a team of rivals," [Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley] said. "With Trump, you have a team of felons." Presidents normally try not to be associated with criminals, Brinkley noted. read more

Jesse Wegman: In 1969, Justice Abe Fortas resigned his seat for accepting a $20,000 consulting fee (which he returned) from a foundation led by a man who was convicted of securities fraud. That sort of humility is nowhere in evidence on today's court, which is finding new ways to embarrass itself, thanks largely to the brazen behavior of two of its most senior members, Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, who are making a mockery of their obligation to at least appear neutral and independent. read more

Friday, May 17, 2024

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Missing Link) derailed a House Oversight Committee meeting Thursday by insulting Rep. Jasmine Crockett's (D-Texas) "fake eyelashes." Attacking the physical appearance of another member is against House rules, but the committee's Republican chair ruled to allow it, leading Crockett to respond, "I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" read more

World No. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler was detained by Louisville Metro Police on Friday morning while trying to drive into the entrance of Valhalla Golf Club, the site of this week's PGA Championship. According to ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington, who witnessed the incident, Scheffler was trying to drive around a crash scene on a median. read more


We should be drilling our own oil.
But Biden is stupid. He's being run by the pie in the sky, no gas liberals, who "feel" a utopia where no one is using fossil fuels.

The only "idiot" here is you Boaz. Stop reading your disinformation sites and find REAL news and reporting.

United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever

The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019.

The crude oil production record in the United States in 2023 is unlikely to be broken in any other country in the near term because no other country has reached production capacity of 13.0 million b/d. Saudi Arabia's state-owned Saudi Aramco recently scrapped plans to increase production capacity to 13.0 million b/d by 2027.

Under Biden's presidency the US is setting ALL TIME OIL PRODUCTION RECORDS never before reached by any country, including Saudi Arabia. So we've been producing more oil every single year since Trump left office. If this is stifling domestic oil production, then words have no meaning whatsoever.

So all you moronic "drill baby drill" parrots can stop lamenting another invented lie from the rightwing, anti-America, fascist supporting media that makes Pravda look like Politifacts in comparison.

Bobb, of course, enjoys the presumption of innocence, but it continues to be no small detail that the Republican National Committee's election integrity lawyer has been indicted on election-related charges.

What's more, by all appearances, this has not affected her status at the RNC. It's not as if party officials learned of the criminal charges and hastily arranged her going-away party. On the contrary, Bobb stands accused of election-related crimes and she's still the RNC's election integrity lawyer.

Bobb also talked in 2022 about a plot to overturn the 2020 election results and possibly reinstate Trump to the White House. A year later, the lawyer raised the possibility of someone "intentionally" having released Covid as part of a scheme to interfere with Trump's re-election effort.

A year after that, she suggested that it shouldn't much matter whether a presidential candidate was found guilty of insurrection.

In other words, the lawyer who will help oversee the Republican National Committee's "election integrity" efforts is a "big lie" proponent, an election conspiracy theorist who played a prominent role in a scandal that led to one of Trump's many felony indictments, and now under indictment in Arizona, where she has been charged with election-related crimes.

It must be stated yet again that one of Trump's most effective superpowers is his ability to project onto enemies the very crimes that he and his allies are busily committing themselves. I cannot recall any former president or presidential candidate so intimately intertwined with both their own charged crimes along with the multiple charged and/or convicted criminals they choose to surround themselves with.

In fact, just yesterday, as part of the parade of partisan allies showing up at the Manhattan Criminal Court, Bernard Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner, was on hand to show his support for the defendant.

Kerik, of course, also went to prison after pleading guilty to federal tax fraud and other charges before his release in 2013. As Marketwatch noted, he also received a Trump pardon in 2020.

The former president's courthouse entourage also included Chuck Zito, who, as The New Republic noted, also spent several years in prison for drug conspiracy charges.

This comes a week after the public learned that Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, also had an advisory role with the Republican National Convention, despite Manafort having gone to prison - right up until Trump pardoned him shortly before Christmas 2020, rewarding his former aide for failing to cooperate with law enforcement.

Meanwhile, Peter Navarro, another member of Trump's inner circle, is currently in prison, while it appears increasingly likely that Steve Bannon, who remains close with the former president's operation, will soon be behind bars, too.

USA Today's report added that Michael Flynn and Roger Stone "are spending time with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago," and both received Trump pardons after being accused of serious felonies.

The number of people in Trump's orbit who've been convicted of crimes in recent years is so great, The Washington Post once described it as the "remarkable universe of criminality" surrounding the former president.

Steve Benen

It's absolutely amazing that the party of law and order is allowing itself to be headed by an unrepentant Mafia boss wannabe, masquerading as a politician while using donors to fund his own lifestyle.

Never in history has any President been surrounded by convicted criminals like Donald Trump is. And he's proud to have their backing to the point he's either pardoned or commuted their sentences, completely rendering justice moot as long as you're one of his close friends, donors, or advisors.

Criminals gonna commit crimes. It's who they are and what they do.

Being a Democrat today based upon most of the people I know comes down to finding reasons to find or make anger and hate. Always pissed about something. The worst are the ones with a permanent chip about new absurdities like gender and stupid stuff that people normally do not care about.

Trump leaves the door open to new restrictions on contraception

Former President Donald Trump said he's "looking at" restrictions on contraception during an interview with a local TV station in Pittsburgh released Tuesday. While he didn't provide any details, he told KDKA political analyst Jon Delano that he plans to share a policy on contraception "very shortly."

Shut up you gaslighting alternate reality dweller. Just like Trump himself, projection is all you've got. Every single word you write in criticism of Democrats is indeed a criticism of every restrictive, intrusive fever dream of Republican supremacists, from Presidential candidate down through most MAGAts.

They fail to report large gifts, luxury vacations and payments to their family members by wealthy donors, at least one of whom had business before the court, and they express nakedly partisan opinions or fail to adequately distance themselves when their spouses express such views.

They are saying, in effect, that they don't care if any of this bothers you. To go by recent polls showing that this court's public approval has approached record lows, it bothers many millions of Americans. And yet no one in Washington seems willing to act.

It can't go on. The court's refusal to police itself, willingly allowing a few justices to trample on its reputation, demands that Congress step up and take far stronger action to enforce judicial ethics, and to require justices to recuse themselves when they have or appear to have clear conflicts of interest.

The fact is that publicly it appears that Chief Justice Roberts nor Justices Alito and Thomas don't see a problem with all the non-reported expensive gifts they take and partisanly biased relationships and speeches they have and give. Historically, such naked bias would result in case recusals if not resignations, as Fortas showed in 1969. And to some, both Thomas and Alito are openly breaking the very law they're supposed to arbitrate.
As all justices are aware, federal recusal law is clear: "Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."

In the Jan. 6 cases, recusal should not be a close call. At the least, reasonable people are justified in questioning Justice Alito's impartiality based on his failure to take down the inverted flag, especially during a period of intense national conflict over an issue that was at that very moment before the justices.

Justice Thomas's extreme closeness with his wife (he has described them as being melded "into one being") raises similar doubts about his ability to be impartial. He is further implicated by a separate provision of the law, which requires a judge to recuse when his or her spouse is "to the judge's knowledge likely to be a material witness in the proceeding." That sure sounds like Ginni Thomas, who testified, under threat of a subpoena, before the House Jan. 6 committee.

In short, Justices Alito and Thomas appear to be breaking federal law, tanking what remains of the court's legitimacy in the process. The challenge is whether anyone is willing to do anything about it.

Why Justice Samuel Alito's upside-down flag controversy matters

In case this isn't obvious, Jan. 17, 2021, was just 11 days after the Trump-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol -- featuring insurrectionist rioters carrying the same flag that flew at Alito's home -- and just three days before Joe Biden's presidential inauguration, when there was ongoing uncertainty about the threat of far-right political violence.

The Times' report added, "While the flag was up, the court was still contending with whether to hear a 2020 election case, with Justice Alito on the losing end of that decision."

Alito didn't disavow the upside-down flag or deny its significance. He did, however, blame his wife -- which is every bit as unpersuasive as it seems.

We are, after all, talking about a sitting justice who has earned a reputation as the high court's most unyielding ideologue, who has delivered a series of overtly political speeches, who's issued public endorsements of a conservative advocacy group's work, who thought it'd be a good idea to defend the Supreme Court's integrity at a pro-Trump organization exactly two weeks before the 2022 midterm elections, who's appeared a bit too cozy with the Wall Street Journal's editorial page, and who's declared his indifference to congressional oversight in ways that were panned as "stunningly wrong."

Ethics scandals. Leaked rulings. A deteriorating public image. Radical and unpopular decisions. Growing assumptions that the justices are partisans who pick a preferred conclusion and then work backwards to justify it. Alito's latest controversy -- the latest in a series -- makes an ugly situation worse.

Steve Benen

A police officer instructed Scheffler to stop, but Scheffler continued to drive about 10 to 20 yards toward the entrance.

At one point, an officer attached himself to the side of Scheffler's car. Scheffler stopped his car as he turned into the entrance of Valhalla Golf Club.

After about 20 to 30 seconds, Scheffler rolled down his window to talk to the officer. The officer grabbed Scheffler's arm to pull him out of the vehicle, according to Darlington. The officer reached inside the vehicle to open the door, and once Scheffler was pulled out, he was pushed against the car and placed in handcuffs.

Darlington was standing at the entrance when Scheffler was detained. Darlington said Scheffler turned to him and asked, "Can you help?"

According to Darlington, an officer instructed him to back away. "You need to get out of the way," the officer told Darlington. "Right now, he's going to jail, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Well, it appears that mild-mannered Scottie Scheffler just found out how it feels to be treated as though he was DWB even though he's a pale multimillionaire and one of the most famous professional golfers on the planet.

The part I'm failing to understand is how Scheffler is charged with 2nd degree assault of a police officer when it was the officer who decided to "attach" himself to Scheffler's moving car. Unless Scheffler was going to endanger others in his attempt to circumvent the accident scene, I don't see how any of this was warranted nor useful in the overall scheme of things. Police judgment is often out of control, and this appears to be another example of an unwarranted escalation solely due to an officer's lack of reasonable perspective. To my knowledge, event-provided courtesy cars are readily identifiable by stickers, plates, and uniformity of make and model.

The video makes the police look quite unhinged and overreactive due to this being a freaking golf tournament, not an appearance by a President or politician.

An uproar ensued, with Committee chair James Comer (R-Ky.) calling for order, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) demanding the committee "take down" Greene's words, essentially reprimanding her for insulting another lawmaker.

"That is absolutely unacceptable, how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person," Ocasio-Cortez said.

Comer soon suspended the hearing for several minutes so lawmakers could confer with their parliamentary experts, and Greene agreed to "strike" her words, but she refused to apologize.

Eventually, after several more minutes of parliamentary arguing, the committee voted to allow Greene to finish her allotted speaking time. But Crockett wasn't finished.

"I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?"

"What now?" Comer said.

It's hard to ever feel sorry for Comer, but this incident comes close in engendering him some sympathy. Is this the first catfight to break out in a House subcommittee? Between MTG projecting that AOC "(doesn't) have the intelligence" to debate her, and then Crockett asking the chair if it's alright to "start talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad(ly) built butch body," there likely isn't an elected GOP man alive prepared to understand, much less handle this situation with anything approaching aplomb.

But the absolute lack of respect and decency shown her fellow elected officials and for the institution of representative government itself constantly shown by MTG is appalling and falls far beneath what should be expected by anyone elected to national office. She's an absolute disgrace.

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