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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The aid pier built by the US for some $200 million may soon be dismantled, having so far completed a total of 10 days of actual operations, The New York Times reports. Officials have told aid organizations in Gaza the pier could be taken apart early in July, the paper reports, having done little to exacerbate goods shortages in the Strip. The pier spent much of the time since it was inaugurated in mid-May inoperative due to weather damage, weather threats, security concerns and the like.

Gaddis has been spouting off a series of tweets relishing the attention her videos have garnered. As of Thursday, four days after the video went viral, Gaddis posted to X, stating, "About to get on a plane, finger crossed the pilots were hired because they were qualified not to fill a DEI quota" and shared a photo where the N-word is being used. And the social media backlash continues, with some accounts claiming she is a "psy-op" while others praise her, claiming she is a hero.


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