This reminds me of a show I watched around 20 years ago-Wife Swap. The show basically switched the maternal figure between wildly disparate families, like a lesbian couple with a mormon family, that sort of thing. The mother figures would switch houses for a week or so and the show would document the experience. Some fun fish out of water stuff would happen. Everyone would learn a great lesson about tolerance of different people.
Well this one episode had a backwoods Louisiana woman who was VERY religious, switch with a family, I can't remember whether she switched with a wiccan family or an African American family or an atheist family-that is irrelevant.
She had a nice experience and her family did too. Both families were very respectful of the different faiths.
Well at the end of the episode she gets home and hears how her family liked the other mother and she flipped out and was saying she wouldn't accept the money (like $50K) for the show as it was satanic money.
It was very bizarre and sad. She had a nice experience with a different family who respected her beliefs even though they didn't agree. the mother who lived with her family was both treated with respect and acted respectfully to her family's beliefs.
But the simple fact that her family liked this woman was enough to set her off.
Just plain sad.
She ended up taking the money though.
Truth, I'll happily sit in "the hole" any day of the week having the full satisfaction that I don't live your pathetic existence.
#69 | Posted by Bluewaffles
You're on a fringe news website whining about moderation. I am not in awe of your existence.