Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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People need to wake up to what is happening.

Our country is about to sustain the largest change since FDR and possibly the Civil War. Our government is about to be made into something that people will not recognize and only a few can imagine. People are still talking in terms of normal politics.

We are no longer in normal politics.

------- is about to dismantle the government as we understand it to be.

He is stacking his administration, top to bottom in all of the important policy making positions, with fanatics who have a specific plan to reach a set goal. They want to dismantle the progressive state that our nation has known since 1935 (you know, the end of the Gilded Age).

These people, expressly, do not believe in democracy. They want to dismantle it.

Impoundment is just one feature-(it will be funny for some to defend what ------- will do and the SC will permit, when you think of what the SC did when Biden tried to use the authority specifically granted to him in the student loan debt forgiveness case).

The seeds of these future SC decisions have been sown and will reap dividends in the coming years as they are used to justify the imperial presidency that is coming.

The guardrails are off, the House is led by an empty suit, the Senate is giving away their advice and consent powers, the SC WILL NOT SAVE US. The CJS failed us. the DoJ is going to be weaponized against any and all of -------'s enemies, ------- is targeting the leadership in the Armed Forces, the corporations and the donor class are just trying to survive while they grab for deregulation, red state governors have bent the knee blue state governors will be blackmailed with this impoundment power to bend the knee.

One only look at what ------- cares most about and who, again specifically WHO he is nominating. There are reasons why Hegseth and Pam Bondi and Gabbard and Steven Miller and Vought and Patel and others were chosen. It is for what they will do for -------, and those will be the powers that implement the destruction. They are all either Trump sycophants or like Miller and Vought have specific goals in mind and will be in the position to implement them.

------- doesn't care about foreign affairs so he threw Rubio a bone so he could get DeSantis to name his daughter in law to his seat. He could give 2 ----- about vaccines so he threw RFK Jr into HHS.

It's the fanatics that will be implementing Project 2025.

And the scary thing about Project 2025 is it is only a plan for the first 6 months. Beyond that? Well you don't want to imagine.

what a load of utter --------.

Remember Eugene Goodman and him being hailed a hero for redirecting the insurrectionist scum away from some Senators?

Remember the heroic SS agent gunning down the insurrectionist scum trying to harm representatives?

Remember the heroic picture of Capitol Police pointing guns at the House Chamber doors protecting several representatives with their lives?

Remember watching the insurrectionist scum attacking a Capitol Police officer with a crutch?

Remember the images of the scrum beneath the rotunda between the police and the insurrectionist scum?

Remember the video of the Capitol Police officer with his head stuck in a door by insurrection scum mob pushing?

Yes, there was some confusion over what was happening, but the fact of the matter is people were righteously pissed at the insurrectionist scum. I for one was wondering why they weren't setting up .50 cal machine guns and cutting down scores of the insurrectionist scum. But I MIGHT have been overreacting, maybe. Personally, I sometimes think it might have done our country a bit of good in the long run if a few hundred insurrectionist scum were cut down that day, Perhaps, just maybe, people would have understood the seriousness of the vile crime being perpetrated.

I distinctly remember an interview with a magat scum during the insurrection acting like trying to overthrow the government was no big deal, she gave her name and was only upset cause she got tear gassed. She clearly has no ------- idea of what she was doing. A LOT of magat scum still don't.

I don't forget, and I don't forgive.

12 Rewind a little bit Corky, I was watching the news on January 7th. Pelosi and her team, and your fellow Drudge Reporters were shredding the Capitol Police. Accusing them of assisting the rioters, opening the doors for them and giving them directions to the chambers. ACAB was on full display. It took a few days before the focus groups reported that wasn't a good look and the new talking points came out. suddenly Dem politicians were thanking officers for their service. It took you guys a little longer to come around. Too tight a hairpin turn from the Summer of Love riots for many of you to make. Anyone who says that isn't how it went is a liar.

#13 | Posted by Miranda7

Or maybe, just possibly, what was seen and reported on was cops letting insurrectionist scum through the barricades and America loving patriots, in their anger at this attack on the heart of our democracy falsely blamed the police, but after a few days, when additional information and context became available the truth came out that the police shown letting the insurrectionist scum in were at a distinct tactical disadvantage and thus while it appeared one way the reality was another way. You know, how an adult will correct themselves when shown facts.

As far as the ACAB, I can only say that what we saw on January 6 by the Capital Police was what cops should be doing, protecting the constitution of the US from internal enemies. I do not view any of those police officers as bastards. I am glad they did their duty and put themselves in harms way to stop the insurrectionist scum from achieving their goal of destroying this country.

Unfortunately, the rest of the system failed and we are back at death's door.

The one consolation I will take is that the magat scum will suffer far more than I.

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