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Thursday, December 12, 2024

As a candidate, Donald Trump campaigned"and won"this year on the promise he would lower prices for Americans angry after the COVID pandemic's inflation brought steep price increases, but now he's backtracking, saying he's not sure he will actually be able to fulfill those vows. Outrage at Trump, and the people who voted for him based on that pledge, was palpable on Thursday. read more


Celebrating? WOW you are stupid

But I knew that

What is celebrating about that whole post? I lament the situation, I point to the injustice of the 2 situations, by juxtaposing the 2 cases I reveal the character of this nation and it's priorities

In one, we have a man who will be subject to the full weight of the CJS for killing a wealthy person, who by all moral measures was a horrible person. A person who exploits a unjust and disgusting healthcare system to enrich himself to a gross level.

In the other, we have a sick man who our nation refused to provide proper healthcare to, being murdered for the crime of being sick in public. Neely should not have even been in a subway, but he was, as a result of out nation's healthcare.

His sickness made him lash out. I have immense sympathy for sick people, you obviously do not.

Penny took it upon himself to kill this sick man.

He was no Good Samaritan; he is a murderer. A Good Samaritan would help the sick person.

The comparison could not be starker and reveals our nation's priorities.

We condemn sick people to homelessness and death at the hands of strangers while making -------- disgustingly rich for exploiting sick people.

It is morally bankrupt

I get it, you will not understand, that is because you are a morally deficient bag of ----

#86 | Posted by truthhurts a

This is the post you say I am advocating murder or celebrating murdering people.

Please point to the words where I say that.

In fact, I say the opposite "I lament the situation,..."

OH Wait I get it, you're too stupid and don't know what lament means,

Here, free of charge

a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.
"his mother's night-long laments for his father"

mourn (a person's loss or death).
"he was lamenting the death of his in

Get it yet? Probably not.

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