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Wednesday, January 01, 2025

A driver crashed his pickup truck into a crowd celebrating New Year's Day in New Orleans' French Quarter and opened fire, killing 10 people and injuring more than 35, in an early morning attack the FBI said was a potential act of terrorism. read more

Friday, December 20, 2024

The slimmed-down version was stripped of language that would have allowed children with relapsed cancer to undergo treatments with a combination of cancer drugs and therapies. (Currently the Food and Drug Administration is only authorized to direct pediatric cancer trials of single drugs.) The bill also didn't include an extension of a program that gave financial lifelines, in the form of vouchers, to small pharmaceutical companies working on rare pediatric diseases. It was also missing earlier provisions that would have allowed for kids on Medicaid or CHIP"that is, poor children"to access medically complex care across state lines. For political veterans, however, the most striking absence in the revised bill was the language that would have extended funding for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Program. read more

One such prediction has to do with Apple (and Tesla), providing a glimpse into how Wall Street is viewing the looming Trump tariffs and their impact on US tech companies. read more

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

[Pollster Ann] Selzer published a poll days before the election that said Kamala Harris was ahead by 3 percentage points. Trump won the state by 13 percentage points. read more

Thursday, December 12, 2024

As a candidate, Donald Trump campaigned"and won"this year on the promise he would lower prices for Americans angry after the COVID pandemic's inflation brought steep price increases, but now he's backtracking, saying he's not sure he will actually be able to fulfill those vows. Outrage at Trump, and the people who voted for him based on that pledge, was palpable on Thursday. read more


Since anyone can add arbitrary qualifiers to define what a human being is, you can't prove that an infant is any more of a human being than a zygote. Young children contribute nothing to society and are just parasites. To use your terminology, they're just potential humans until they can live on their own.

Using your logic, Smith and Peterson made individual health decisions that were none of anybody's business.

#98 | Posted by sentinel

You are not a good debater. You post nonsense and the incredibly obvious and you reach no conclusions or strawman conclusions.

"Since anyone can add arbitrary qualifiers to define what a human being is, you can't prove that an infant is any more of a human being than a zygote."

What is the point of stating this?

"Young children contribute nothing to society and are just parasites."

What is the point of stating this?

"To use your terminology, they're just potential humans until they can live on their own."

Wbat is the point of stating this?

"Using your logic, Smith and Peterson made individual health decisions that were none of anybody's business."

I have already stipulated that a zygote, embryo and fetus are part of the cycle in creating a human being.

I have already stated that I believe that the dividing line when society should impose it's laws is after the birth of the entity.

Therefore, you are categorically wrong in stating that using my logic those were individual health decisions. Full Stop.

Those actions constitute murder. Full Stop

I have also explained my reasoning, that the implementation of limitations on abortion, results in the oppression of people who can get pregnant (forced labor, forced organ donation, etc. to say nothing of the secondary but no less important impacts like limitations to choice they have in other aspects of their lives). These negative impacts are unavoidable due to the inherent nature of the abortion restrictions.

And since those negative impacts exist it is morally indefensible to place those restrictions on people who can get pregnant.

You apparently are not intelligent enough to understand what I am explaining (in great detail)

his was a basic tenet of Feudalism for centuries. It was considered moral and logical for land-lords to have complete supremacy over everything and everyone on the property they owned. What they did to them was none of anybody's business. A peasant was not considered equivalent to a full human being, full stop.

That's your argument. You know it's weak and problematic, which is why you're lashing out like a child ferociously attacking anyone who criticizes it.

#77 | Posted by sentinel


I acknowledge the inherent issue with terminating a pregnancy, it is the termination of potential life and a human being in it's developing state.

It is without a doubt moral to value the woman over the unborn. That should not even be questioned.

Therefore, the ONLY moral option is to leave the choice with the woman, otherwise an outside entity is valuing the unborn/potential human being over that of a living breathing person.

That is how the ethical question resolves until such time as the unborn can grow from fertilization to outside of the womb permanently without necessitating the need for a woman's body.

If you do not agree with me, you are for:

1. Forced labor-i.e. slavery
2. A rapist's rights over a rape victim's rights.
3. A woman being a second-class citizen.
4. Forced organ donation
5. Forced participation in medical studies
6. Forced vaccinations

Deny it all you want, that is the obvious moral endpoint of valuing the unborn over a living human being. In point of fact, the unborn now has MORE rights than the living breathing human being

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