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Wednesday, January 01, 2025

A driver crashed his pickup truck into a crowd celebrating New Year's Day in New Orleans' French Quarter and opened fire, killing 10 people and injuring more than 35, in an early morning attack the FBI said was a potential act of terrorism. read more

Friday, December 20, 2024

The slimmed-down version was stripped of language that would have allowed children with relapsed cancer to undergo treatments with a combination of cancer drugs and therapies. (Currently the Food and Drug Administration is only authorized to direct pediatric cancer trials of single drugs.) The bill also didn't include an extension of a program that gave financial lifelines, in the form of vouchers, to small pharmaceutical companies working on rare pediatric diseases. It was also missing earlier provisions that would have allowed for kids on Medicaid or CHIP"that is, poor children"to access medically complex care across state lines. For political veterans, however, the most striking absence in the revised bill was the language that would have extended funding for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Program. read more

One such prediction has to do with Apple (and Tesla), providing a glimpse into how Wall Street is viewing the looming Trump tariffs and their impact on US tech companies. read more

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

[Pollster Ann] Selzer published a poll days before the election that said Kamala Harris was ahead by 3 percentage points. Trump won the state by 13 percentage points. read more

Thursday, December 12, 2024

As a candidate, Donald Trump campaigned"and won"this year on the promise he would lower prices for Americans angry after the COVID pandemic's inflation brought steep price increases, but now he's backtracking, saying he's not sure he will actually be able to fulfill those vows. Outrage at Trump, and the people who voted for him based on that pledge, was palpable on Thursday. read more


Oh this is tooooo good

Point and laugh at the magat scum parents of special needs children.


The number of students ages 3"21 served under IDEA in the United States1 increased from 6.4 million in school year 2012"13 to 7.5 million in school year 2022"23.2,3 Taken as a percentage of total public school enrollment, this equates to an increase from 13 to 15 percent of students.
Federal funding for IDEA
One of the rationales used by federal policymakers for the passage of PL 94-142 was to provide states and schools districts with some
inancial assistance in educating students with disabilities. The federal government currently provides funding for IDEA through several
different grants, though the bulk of the funding ($11.6 billion in 2014-15) was distributed through IDEA Part B " commonly referred to
as IDEA "grants to states." Until the 2005-06 school year IDEA Part B funding was distributed to states based on their special education
student counts. However, beginning in the 2006-07 school year, the federal government changed the formula's student-count system to
discourage the over-identification of students with disabilities


Congrats magat scum parents of special needs kids you ------ yourself.

You literally voted to cut funding that provides education for your child.

You stupid ------- -----

The American populace is morally bankrupt.

To not vote for a rapist is something people shouldn't have to be told.

Yet a plurality did just that

That is unforgivable. Pure and simple.

America will NEVER change until basic, I mean the most basic, morality is ingrained in the American voter.

Yet that is all water under the bridge.

We live in a New America. People don't realize it yet, but we do.

We live in a fascist oligarchy.

You no longer have the rights you think you do.

Speech? Assembly? the Press? those will be the first to follow women's bodily autonomy into the trash heap. Your 2nd Amendment rights will last up until they threaten der leader.

This country is on the precipice of a fundamental transformation the likes of which our nation has rarely experienced, and those transformations have always been towards liberalism and democracy-be it 1861, 1935, 1964.

We are in the embryonic phase of a regressive revolution that will redefine the relationship between the government and it's citizens.

People with a plan (Project 2025) are being put in place to release their revolutionary program on America. A program long in development. 100 Executive Orders are ready to go day 1. There will NOT be the same resistance to grossly unconstitutional acts like there were in 2017. Critical pieces to implement that program have been there for years-the Supreme Court

Too many people are thinking in terms of politics as usual.

What is being released will turn politics on it's head.

Do not count on the 2026 or 2028 elections. One of those rights on the chopping block are voting rights. And no, it is not going to be so obvious as stopping voting, but it will be a system to rigged power will be predetermined.

And remember the scariest part. Project 2025 is only a plan for the first 6 months.

Looking at the map, we could be looking at a magnitude or more worse disaster than the incredible destruction we have seen.


The Palisades fire has moved north and is approaching an urban area with multitudes more people/houses etc.

Apparently, the Santa Ana winds turned northerly and easterly since yesterday and if that happens and it pushes the fires over the mountains, just wow.

Water doesn't come from the north. the water up north goes to the large agri businesses in the center of the state

You should have paid attention in school.


California is ranked 41st in dependence on the federal government.

Maybe California should just stop sending money to the federal government who sends it to -------- states

The media is actively bending the knee to the incoming dictator
The incoming dictator is talking about seizing land from other countries through military action.
The incoming dictator's top priority is attacking immigrants and painting them as subhuman
The largest corporations are bending the knee to the incoming dictator
The incoming dictator is talking about cutting taxes for the wealthy and destroying the social safety programs
The incoming dictator is subjugating the other 2 branches of government centralizing power in his own hands
The incoming dictator is appointing grossly inept lackies in key government positions
The incoming dictator is promising to go after his perceived enemies with made up charges
The incoming dictator is perceived as infallible by his followers
The incoming dictator's power is based on lies, myth and anger
The incoming dictator constantly focuses on an alleged decline in our nation.
The incoming dictator espouses White Replacement Theory
The incoming dictator wants to cleanse the nation of the invading hordes
The incoming dictator identifies perceived "enemies of the state" to unify his followers
The rampant sexism throughout magat world
The incoming dictator has spent years undermining the truth
The incoming dictator fosters a perception that our country is under attack
Religion and government are becoming intertwined
Corporate power is protected and labor suppressed
There is a disdain for intellectuals in magat world
Rampant cronyism is exploding

yeah, sure no fascism here

TL:DR? Boaz is a ------- moron

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