Mr. Putin has wanted "his" man in the White House for years.
Finally, FINALLY, his wish came true. However, it has turned into "be careful what you wish for."
It's highly unlikely that Trump will be able to convince the Senate to withdraw the U.S. from NATO and open the door (vis-a-vie Ukraine) to Russia's military expansion into Eastern Europe.
Trump's only choice is to withdraw U.S. support of Ukraine and, at the same time, abandon U.S. NATO allies in Eastern Europe based on one "trumped up" excuse or another.
It's a dangerous move that will isolate the United States in a modern world economy, all of whom depend on joint cooperation agreements to survive.
In the past, America and our NATO allies looked out for each other.
If Trump and Russia have their way, nobody will be looking out for America. All trust will be gone.
As to both questions I'd think that removing or keeping Speaker Johnson would be the first order of business.
If there's a challenger, I seem to recall that the party leaders have a meeting before anything comes up to a vote.
I suppose there could be a Speaker pro temp, such as the current Deputy Speaker if the party leaders can't come to a decision . . . or the unlikelihood nobody is willing to accept the job.