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Disinformation, propaganda and straight up lying is ruining the world. From Russia to Mar A Largo these vermin like to confuse the people by gaslighting as they do what they accuse others of doing. Although, this case of the 17 year Axel Rudakubana that murdered several children was perpetrated by the son of immigrants and this still matters as either he is crazy or a crazed religious fanatic that hates Christians and White people. Also, a lot of this violence was by not just far right people but, by regular folks because the Moslems in their communities are the least tolerant people on the planet and their men are a lot of times criminals, thugs and assault the women in public for having the mordacity to walk with out a man at their side. Also, for decades the police in numerous English cities and towns ignored Moslem grooming gangs that preyed upon English children and gang raped at will because the police could care less about poor white kids getting turned out and that they did not want to upset the Moslem communities with calling them out for this barbarism. I lived in Scandinavia in the eighties and saw first hand how Moslem men harassed the liberated women and then would somehow paint themselves as victims when they got called out on in. I was teaching in Norway for a couple small Moslem children whose parents were real sweet hearts and when I asked the father of one of the kids why he was wishing his kids learn English he told me it was because he felt the Norwegians were racist towards his people and wanted to move to England. I told him he was better off in Norway but he wanted to be in a larger Moslem community so he could raise his kids as he pleased with his religion dominating their lives. I asked him about the Moslem men grabbing white women's ----- and asses in public, which happened several times to my Norwegian girlfriend in front of me, and he claimed that he never saw it. There is the problem right there and the Brits I can see have had enough of this abject denial by the Moslems who are now in larger numbers than the British born folks near them and they push everybody that gets in their way. Of course, this crowd was manipulated by the EDL but it is really the fault of the Moslem men that are complete over the top pigs in public towards everybody not like them. My Chilean wife's sister and her cousins a young girl of 17 and her mom middle aged woman who were living in Scotland while the mother studied her PHD at Edinburg went to London and they said that on the subway, Moslem men constantly rubbed sexually harassed them, rubbed upon them and breathed nasty ---- into their ears. Nobody stepped up to help them and they wanted just to leave the country because of this ----. Let us tell it like it is and that is that the Moslem community in England needs to police their young men or face getting burnt out.

"Zionists rival the NAZI in terms of dehumanization but also outright butchery, imo."

Yeahhh right. The Nazi's murdered more Jews on a slow weekend than the Jews have killed Arabs in their entire history of modern conflict they have had with Moslem cousins in the area. And if doubt me you might try reading a book of history sometime when you do not have your tongue on Hamass boots cleaning them. It the Israelis really wanted to exterminate the Moslems then why is there 1.5 millions Moslems in Israel still? Or, why has the IDF not finished off Gaza like they did that Yemenis harbor they completely incinerated a couple of weeks ago? Fact is, they could wipe out Gaza and the West Bank in just a few minutes but they somehow tolerate the endless barrage of projectiles coming from those places. The Moslems BS theme song about killing every single Jew in the Middle East "From the River to the Sea" will never be fulfilled. That is a pipe dream built upon abject lies and propaganda peddled by the likes of ISIS, Taliban and Al Qaeda. Jews have a right to exists and their neighbors are just going to have to learn to live in peace with them or face the consequences. There is no country on earth that would have not done the same thing the Israelis have done if they had experienced the same type of mass murders, kidnappings and gang rapes. At least the Israelis attempt to control their soldiers from doing this filth while the Arabs teach their children to do this to the Jews in their schools.

Why on earth would the Jews that survived the Holocaust wish to stay in Germany after the war or those that were in the camps throughout Europe go back to where they were pretty damn sure they were not wanted? In your bizarre world we should 'force' them to stay in Germany? Why? There is 23 Islamic states where all the Jews and most of the Christians have been willfully and violently ran off and yet you say nothing of this. Where are these Jews supposed to go? I know!... the only Jewish state on the globe is Israel and these people have a right to have just one Jewish state on the entire planet and the damn Arabs can just get it through their thick skulls that this is the way it is going to be. Hamass and Iran and 23 other Islamic states do not hide their hatred of the Jews, and in fact makes laws to support it and brainwash their children to believe in it and yet nobody calls them out on it. The state of Israel is a place that Jews can go live in relative safety but for some funny reason you deny them even this.

"" Democrats want the votes."
Have you spoken to any Venezuelans? I have and they are just like the right wing -------- Cubans in Florida would never vote for a left wing politicians much less for POTUS. I live in a giant South American city and have played sports with them and have taught them in English studies and have thousands of them as neighbors and they get violent very quickly if you mention socialism much less communism all the while getting free public education and health care for peanuts versus what the average American pays. The irony of them sending their four or five children to our free public schools and getting free vaccination and health care for their litter of brats all the while talking ---- about socialism after just 'popping up' in their host country is just beyond their stupid right wing minds to fathom. The vast majority of the citizens of numerous South American countries have had enough of them and just want them to leave or I should say "piss off!" as they have worn out their welcome by bringing gangs of undereducated criminals to rob, deal drugs and American weapons from Texass to the gangs inside their host countries. My sister in law has been robbed five times in the street by motorcycle scumbags, and her cousin has been robbed and pistol whipped after getting off work at the veterinarian clinic late at night by Venezuelans. We now have 8 barbershops in just two streets of my barrio which are just fronts for their cartel to laundry money made from drug and weapon and extortion and ransoms for kidnappings. They are pretty tough guys and gals but too cowardly to actual go back home and fight for their country's freedom and would rather just continue on mugging, kidnapping, gang raping and taking over banks with assault weapons than actually fight a civil war back home. I spent five year teaching them and that was the lawyers, engineers and doctors and their were very nice descent people but the latest waves of migrants have been the undereducated and they suck to say the least. Not all of them by thousands of them.

"That said, the US is not helping with the idiotic sanctions. They've had the obvious effect of forcing Venezuela to cozy up to Russia, which is NOT something we need right now. The best thing we could do is end them immediately." DARKVADER

Well, most of your post was correct but Chavez was cozying up to the Russians, Cubans and Chinese durning his tenure. Without their help Maduro would not be able to hold onto power. He really needs to go and when he does Putler will suffer some problems for it and the Chinese too will have more issues getting that oil. I have taught and played sports with many of my Venezuelan neighbors coming into Santiago, Chile since 2015. The first four years I was teaching engineers, doctors, lawyers and nurses and then the next wave of folks from there were the semi illiterate and many of them are just straight up gangsters who along with the the Colombians have flooded Latin America with weapons(mainly smuggled in via Texas) and Chile never had gun issues before but now every teenager is armed and robbing everyone else. We also now have 38 car jackings per day. Kidnapping for extortion is now a thing and there is even shanty towns that the Haitian immigrants started all over the country with some of them having up to 15,000 people crammed into their makeshift towns within cities. Vigilanteism is all the rage and criminals that get caught by neighborhood people robbing and hurting get serene rapped to telephone poles after a beating and salt poured on their wounds until the cops finally get off their asses and show up. Now, the newer immigrants with their gangs from Venezuela
and Colombia have taken up residence inside the Haitians communities and have their own cemeteries where they bury their kidnap victims of the families that could not pay up the ransom. These people steal the water, electricity and anything not nailed down from the poor Chileans who live in legal housing nearby and Chileans have had it with Venezuelans and Colombian gangster who also have thousands of barber shops all over the country now(eight within two blocks in my barrio alone) where they wash drug money. They also control the migrants who sale stuff on the street by renting them sidewalk space and murder and robe and rape with no thought to the locals and within the migrant communities. Loud all night criminal parties destroy the peace of the neighborhoods and people have become xenophobic with good reason towards them. The congress here has made a new law especailly for these criminals that they catch that attempt to play stupid and have no legal identification to prove who they are so now if they get caught and play that game they stay in jail until they can legally prove who they are and from where they come. Some of the criminals decided to leave but the countries of Peru and Bolivia, which they came through to get to Chile, refuse to let them back in and Maduro refuses the Chilean air force to fly them back into Venezuela after they kick them out. I am an old airborne soldier and tell people we can put parachutes on these deported criminals and drop them off with a strong back breeze into that gawd awful country two hundred at a time from Ecador or Colombia. I will even teach them to land as I am so sick of them. My sister in law has been robbed five times by Venezuelans
and many of my other friends and family also has been robbed and hurt by them. All because Maduro has to stay in power.

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