Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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I have worked inside two national parks(Yellowstone & Yosemite) and all the workers but, a few, were really hard working folks that took pride in their jobs. The sick thing is that the lazy workers were the bigot loudmouths that hated the federal government and the NPS i.e. the right wing racists that could not be bothered to do their jobs as they laid about in their trucks or in the break room which they spent half the day sleeping in it. I had to threaten one of them for talking racist ---- about California, which is where I am from, and he thought better than going "outside with me" to fix 'his' problem. I wanted to fist whip him so bad but the moto was whoever threw the first punch would get fired so I refrained from busting him up to just calling him every name in the book. These guys talked ---- about Native Americans, Mexicans, blacks, women and gays and yet I could hardly find any of those folks working in the park service at Yellowstone or living in Montana. One worker, I worked with in Yosemite, use to drive up to cool high elevation and sleep in his truck with his lazy assistant while I got stuck doing all the high ladder work either in the Valley or in lower extremely hot areas of the park in 110 degree weather. He voted TRump and I hoped he got canned but alas it was the locksmith and electrician that are now gone. They do not even have anybody else to do these jobs. Just makes me sick to my stomach and two weeks ago I got my job offer "rescinded" for this next season and it will be that lazy ---- up there doing nothing making us all look bad while he talks about lazy minorities doing nothing for the country.


Remember these names and faces. They will be brought before the hangman's noose and the guillotines soon enough.

Drudge Retort

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