I live in a South American democracy that hand counts over 8 million votes in a single night. We have never had any issues of cheating that I am aware of as they are very proud of their democracy after their right wing dictatorship where they were forced at the end of a bayonet to vote for the General running their country. Now, there are official volunteers both right and left wing observers and all the collecting of the ballots are done on a volunteer basis with both leftists and right wingers doing the work in the poling stations. Very smooth and also we have a very short campaign time and have special times on main tv networks where each party has a 30 second slot to state their piece. This goes on for about a month and really only the right wing starts pushing their candidate in the faces of the nation just like a US election with drastic overkill on the subject. I keep telling my leftist socialist and communist friends and family that maybe it would be better to start talking about their candidate a few months before the election and not keep waiting for the month prior to the election as the right wingers have not waited and all. Actually, it is illegal not to vote and you can get fined with a big fee. Although, the right wing Americans have been holding think tanks with the our right wing citizens illustrating the fact that younger people generally vote for left wing politicians and policies and so the right wingers in congress got enough votes to change this rule and now made it 'not' mandatory to vote in general elections if it is your first time to do so because you turned 18 year old. Although, if you had voted in the past you must keep voting or get a fine. I go out of the country to work often for months at a time and have to prove that when I missed the election I had a good reason. I use my passport's visa stamps to show this. Back in the good old U$A, I see nothing wrong with each state counting a paper ballot like we do in my new adopted country. Although, in the USA, I do not trust the right wingers to do it fairly as, I keep reading that the vast majority of those constantly getting caught voting multiple times are loud mouth right winger who all the while have been gaslighting the left claiming they do that stuff while it is actually them doing it. They(the right wing) seem to cheat becasue they are so desperate to win because they actually believe all that BS that their cel phones or computers feed them through the algorithm(s) spewing disinformation and propaganda to them 24/7. As opposed to why right wingers keep voting legally or multiple times, it seems that if a lefty or non right winger gets caught voting a couple times or voting when they are not allowed to in many states is because they do this because they are ignorant of the law in their state. Especially for convicted felons.
"If Kamala won't Restrain Israel from Mass Murder and Apartheid why should People Against that Vote for her?" -EFFORTTRAITOR
This is all in 'your opinion'.
"Restrain" Israel from defending themselves against people hell bent on killing them all? Apartheid in South Africa was never anything like what is going on in Israel. When did the black folks there strap on bombs under their burka and blow up buses or mow down people at bus tops with machine guns and grenades? And, where was your treasonous ass this week when missiles, coming from cowardly cave dwelling gang rapists, killed six Jews and a Muslim in Israel? You only like to see this conflict from the angle of the aggressor who are the Palestinians in Hamass by the way and Hizbollah and refuse to address exactly who kills whom first. When a US bank gets robbed, I certainly do not cheer for the robbers to kill all the cops and most of the civilians in the bank and I for damn sure do not cheer for the bank robbers to get away with murder and do not martyr them when they get whacked by the authorities. You do though.