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Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealth Group's insurance unit, was fatally shot outside the Hilton Hotel in midtown Manhattan Wednesday morning, in what is believed to be a targeted attack ... read more


-Show me any time government seizing control of the means of production hasn't resulted in abject failure and human misery.
Australia and their railroads comes to mind as a great example.
Our power here in my town is city managed and we have extremely low rates as a result.
Environmental pollution is a huge win for Government. Thank goodness for the Clean Air Act. Unregulated "free enterprise" kills people, just like this story illustrates. It's particularly brutal to minority populations. Alabama and Louisiana are rife with examples.
Tobacco is a huge win, free enterprise was killing people left and right.
Free enterprise and health insurance was rapidly reaching a massive fail. It took government to step in - though the solution is shht today, it's better than what we'd have without the ACA.
Scientific advancement - the transistor, ICs, so much came from NASA. There was no reason for private enterprise to go to the moon or do any of the things we were doing until we, through our government, took that risk and opened up the possibilities.
I'd also put in women's sports.

I for one am extremely grateful for the FDA, the USDA, the CDC, the EPA, and other organizations that help keep us safe.

But here we are with what's, essentially, toxic dumpsites. Why? Because of the "regulation is evil" and "free markets work" nonsense.

Reagan was a POS bashing government and unfortunately too many people still buy into his bullshht. The idea of free markets working relies on perfect people. Libertarianism has always, massively, epically failed.

The best economies in the world are hybrid economies. Our Government should protect us and work for us, not for those of us that have tons of money and can buy politicians and votes.

But don't worry. Trump's here to cut even more red tape and bureaucracy. Maybe Grover Norquist will finally get his wish.


Carter smokes Trump, as anyone objective would expect.

COVID: Red vs Blue:

Consistent with other outcomes besides COVID:

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