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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Secret Service agents have escorted him off stage rapidly. read more

Friday, July 12, 2024

The latest WSJ findings? "Donald Trump loves to remind voters that President Biden has overseen the highest inflation in 40 years", but "Economists Say Inflation Would Be Worse Under Trump Than Biden." This is on top of the previous findings of 16 Nobel Laureate economists that Trump's policies would be destructive to the American economy. read more

Sunday, July 07, 2024

President Joe Biden registered his best showing yet in a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult tracking poll of battleground states, even as voters offered withering appraisals of his debate performance amid panic within his party. read more

Thursday, June 27, 2024

"Oklahoma's state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs (obliterates) the lines between religious instruction and public education."

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The US Supreme Court is poised to allow abortions in medical emergencies in Idaho, according to a copy of the opinion that was briefly posted on the court's website. read more


The full TIME article: time.com

Donald seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they'd made to care for their profoundly disabled family members, who were constantly in and out of the hospital and living with complex arrays of challenges..

After I left the office, I was standing with the others near the side entrance to the West Wing when Donald's assistant caught up with me. "Your uncle would like to see you," she said...

He (Donald Trump) sounded interested and even concerned. I thought he had been touched by what the doctor and advocates in the meeting had just shared about their journey with their patients and their own family members. But I was wrong.
"Those people . . . " Donald said, trailing off. "The shape they're in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die."

And it gets worse. This is heart wrenching stuff. I do not understand how any truly sentient being can support or vote for Donald Trump. Those two things are incongruous.

If fmr Pres Trump truly wants to return to the 1950's and bring more wealth to the middle class, then his goal of tax cuts for the uber-wealthy just will not cut it.

Does that mean tax rates for the high income earners of 84.357% again?
Or maybe the early '60's when it was 91%

Oh! And there's this:

BTW - did you all hear the GOP "leaders" are frantic telling all their underlings to stop insulting Kamala Harris for being a woman? What's it say when you have to tell your party to stop being openly misogynist? I'm surprised there are leaders that get it!

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