we'll have plenty of manual labor.
#31 | Posted by fortfisher
But, on a lighter note, we don't have manual labor NOW do we, genius?
It doesn't piss you off that Donald never had any intention of thinking this thing through.
It does piss you off that people notice.
You are shallow, stupid, maladaptive MAGA. A case for Darwin.
A buddy's wife's family owns a 2500 acre farm. They don't employ illegal aliens and manage to get by just fine.
Posted by BellRinger
Life will tell us exactly how important migrant labor is to food production and prices soon enough.
Not surprising that you're attempting to wash away this reality.
I guess it's possible, since Donald's first deportations have been so badly handled, that some migrants will brave it and stay on the job.
Life will tell us. Start paying attention to it rather than those peculiar fantasies you and MAGA attempt to live by.