Donald is mentally ill. Badly mentally ill. Insane.
He is a genuinely disordered human being who is behaving like a man with a serious diagnosis.
We know what powerful people like this do from history.
There will be blood.
Just the truth.
There will be war and there will be persecutions. Not just persecutions some think are justified, like the migrants.
It's time to seriously consider what it means to have delusions. What it means to have a delusional man in charge of this country. A delusional man with a vindictive, vicious streak.
It's past time to consider all of Donald's behaviors and decisions through the lense of his gross mental illness.
I think that a good recent example is what he did to California's water. Frankly, I think that his "bargaining" with Canad and Mexico is another.
Maybe ZATOICHI had the right idea in dying early. We're all (yes, and you MAGA) going to go through some things.
Donald is frightened of China. China has promised money to Donald.
The Chinese know how to handle worms.