Enjoy the bonfires my friend because he's (Donald) going to burn the whole rotten thing down and rebuild.
#22 | Posted by Bluewaffles
1) But the whole thing isn't rotten by one very long shot. He's bulldozing EVERYTHING.
2) You people find a name to call someone or something and then you use that name as an excuse to persecute and destroy.
3) Oh, yes. Donald is setting fires.
4) But that sorry, incompetent, evil sumbitch has no talent or desire to build or re-build anything.
5) And you are sorry, incompetent, evil sumbitch yourself---On a mission.
6) Yep. Called you a name. Three of them.
7) I have as much interest in persecuting or destroying you as MAGA has an interest in persecuting and destroying me.
8) So if MAGA is full of good and sane people, neither one of us has anything to worry about.
spontaneously appeared in Seminole?
#7 | Posted by oneironaut
It's not spontaneous at all.
The measles had to be provided with the proper habitat.
It took advantage, as it was evolved to do.
A simple, ordinary shot would have thwarted it.
Why are you coming down on the side of the disease?
Having seen that since you unwashed bastards were dying of COVID.