The way he chose to die? The way he asked to be put to death? His own request? No I don't see MAGA in there at all.
Whereas sane people see your fecal smears throughout.
Giving this man a "choice" is the essence of the sadism.
I remain interested in how many "choices" MAGA will leave you in terms of life outcomes.
Related to this, I am fascinated by the number of MAGAs who are coming forward saying that they wanted Trump to make them suffer.
Offer them the choice of a firing squad.
No, he (trump) is telling our "closest alleys" to stop screwing us
When will Trump tell Russia to stop screwing us?
WHY doesn't Trump tell Russia to stop screwing us?
Because he's a coward and traitor.
You are getting precisely what you voted for and are really too stupid to live.