Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Democrat warmth towards Liz Cheney seriously grosses me out.

I've been independent since about 2010, once Obama proved little more than Bush III in any of the issues I cared about (Patriot Act, NSA domestic spying, secret FISA courts with gag orders, illegal wars and nation building, rescuing banks and Wall St while letting Main St lose their homes, starting off the healthcare debate with "single payer is off the table, etc) so I gave Trump a little more chance than the more partisan democrats would have.

Rather than the visceral hate so much of the left felt for him, I mostly found him to be precisely what I expected. Bumbling, not highly competent, achieved a couple good things, screwed up the SCOTUS worse than I imagined - biggest thing I didn't expect was the cult of personality he formed among republicans. I really expected they'd all distance themselves from him, not want any part of the ship going down, and it would turn into 4 years of him just not getting anything done and the nation would carry on. Wow. Was I wrong. Seriously. Wow.

But there was one thing I LOVED to see. Starting with Jeb - and that was him just driving out and making the old guard neocons, the mass murdering warmongers of the Bush / Cheney era absolutely irrelevant.

If you judge presidential success in part by the disgustingly low bar of how little they take part in the great American tradition of - as Carlin put it - bombing brown people, or how many new laws they make like the Patriot Act to eviscerate our Bill of Rights, Trump was oddly successful, a step in the right direction finally. Objectively, in terms of damage to the world, I'd call him a far better president than Bush. Take it for what you will. I was Army when Bush was president, and people I loved and served with never came back. From the wrong goddamn country, at that. I'd put the noose around his neck for war crimes myself if I could, so I'm willing to admit I may not be the wholly rational one there lol.

So of course, Liz, who 100% willingly carries on the sins of her father, hates Trump. But it utterly boggles my mind to see Democrats praise her as one of the last sane or honest republicans. Trump is just an unintelligent narcissist doing precisely what they do. She's pure calculating evil, the type willing to commit genocide so long as it keeps the family business rolling in cash.

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