Wednesday, February 14, 2024

New intelligence on Russian nuclear capabilities in space

The US has new intelligence on Russian military capabilities related to its efforts to deploy a nuclear anti-satellite system in space, according to multiple sources familiar with the intelligence.


While the intelligence is concerning, multiple senior members of Congress briefed on the information on Wednesday emphasized that it does not pose an immediate threat to the US or its interests. The system remains under development and is not yet in orbit, according to three US officials familiar with the intelligence.


Nuclear Subs In space!

#1 | Posted by pumpkinhead at 2024-02-15 10:47 AM

According to the whispers I see on the net (of course you know everything is true on the net) this is likely a satellite killer they are talking about. I'm guessing it would be the EMP they would be using to scramble the satellites and turn them into junk. Which would take out early warning systems.

It seems to me someone doesn't really care if they survive this if that's the plan. In 1962, the US tested a 1.4 megaton fusion bomb in space. It lit the whole sky from Hawaii to New Zealand during the night as particles hit the upper atmosphere from the detonation and created an artificial aurora. It was exploded at a height of 250 miles and the result turned the night time sky into day. The EMP, knocked out radio stations and killed street lights in Hawaii. The project was called Starfish Prime and it was a test to see what would happen to the Van Allen radiation belts when a nuclear blast happened.

The blast created a new radiation belt that was stronger and more long lasting than what was predicted. It lingered for 10 years and destroyed two satellites in the process.

The problem with upsetting the Van Allen Belts, which protects the earth from solar radiation, which is what Starfish Prime did over a long lasting time period, is that if the sun fires a major geomagnetic storm during this time, the earth isn't as well protected.

The Carrington event, which was one of the strongest geomagnetic storms on record, occurred in 1859. It gave telegraph operators electric shocks. We have more concerns now than when the Carrington event happened. What exists now that didn't then is computer chips and they have been integrated into near all machines and for control and data retrieval purposes. A storm of such caliber during that 10 year span, would set civilization back globally.

#2 | Posted by BBQ at 2024-02-15 10:57 AM

"The project was called Starfish Prime"

Oh so that's where they got the idea for Suicide Squad.

#3 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-02-15 10:59 AM

Vladimir the War Criminal is on the top of his game right now.

- Tommy CTE Tumblevile.

#4 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-02-16 07:06 AM

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