Wednesday, May 22, 2024

LA Police Open Probe Into Matthew Perry's Death

Police in Los Angeles have said they have opened an investigation into the death of actor Matthew Perry.



... Perry had been receiving medically supervised ketamine treatments for depression and anxiety at the time of his death, ...

Why do many actors seem to have such issues?

Is it because they may be dependent upon some external focus of their self? A focus provided by fans?

In some respects, I ask, why do actors feel the need to act?

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-21 11:49 PM

Should take an investigator less than a minute to check to see if someone had prescribed Ketamine for at home use. Either nasal spray or lozenges.

I got a call years ago and the body was still cooling in the morgue.

#2 | Posted by mattm at 2024-05-22 09:37 PM


If the Dr was "prescribing" it, and it was an illegal usage, why would he use the database?

It get it there are penalties, but I don't see why someone would follow the law to prescribe illegally.

why do actors feel the need to act?

It's where the money is.

#3 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-05-22 10:48 PM

Why do many actors seem to have such issues?

It's not just actors. More than 20% of Americans have experienced mental illness.

#4 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-05-22 11:07 PM


Why do incompetent dbags feel the need to post?

#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-23 08:42 PM


#6 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-23 08:42 PM

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