Thursday, June 20, 2024

Biden Gives Red Districts an Inconvenient Gift: Green Jobs

The White House's policies have fueled plans for more than $200 billion in cleantech manufacturing investments -- mostly in districts with Republican lawmakers opposed to the agenda.



More: The single largest investment in the burgeoning US green energy supply chain involves a construction site the size of 121 football fields near Greensboro, North Carolina, and a check for $13.9 billion. By 2030, the Toyota Corp. facility could be employing more than 5,000 people cranking out enough batteries to power half-a-million new electric vehicles each year.

What's not to like about that? This seemingly rhetorical question actually demands an answer given America's partisan divide over climate change.

The Toyota project, which began with a $1.3 billion initial investment announced in 2021, massively expanded after passage the following year of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), President Joe Biden's signature green legislation offering hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies for clean technology. The IRA was unanimously opposed by Republicans in Congress. Its cousin, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, containing a smaller set of cleantech subsidies, was nominally bipartisan but only drew 13 "yeas" from House Republicans when it passed in 2021.

One Republican critic of the IRA said, using fairly typical language, that it would "raise taxes" and "throw money at woke climate and social programs that won't work." That critic, Rep. Richard Hudson, represents North Carolina's 9th district, which happens to be where Toyota is building that mammoth battery plant.

Hudson's district epitomizes a peculiarity of the US energy transition " and a growing problem for Republicans. There is a certain luxury enjoyed by politicians who can be rhetorically against something while still quietly welcoming any dollars and jobs that it brings to their constituents. Looking ahead to November, if Republicans are empowered to a point where they actually could vote those dollars away, it would present a much thornier dilemma " and a moment of truth.

#1 | Posted by qcp at 2024-06-20 11:47 AM

"Clean air? Clean water? Jobs? NOT ON OUR WATCH!"


#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-06-20 12:05 PM

glad to see people get jobs. wish they were making those batteries for residential use. I truly believe we're going to learn that this electric car BS they're trying to force the market to accept will end up costing a lot of money and wasting a bunch of time.
They should be pushing residential use combined with solar panels..convert to low voltage LED lights get busy on super high efficiency refrigeration/AC. easily integrated into the existing power infrastructure.
you'd be amazed at how much you can do on battery power.

#3 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 12:42 AM

Yes. Amazingly you can even run cars on them!

#4 | Posted by Sezu at 2024-06-21 07:54 AM

#3 | Posted by brerrabbit

In a perhaps ironic twist my friend lives in that district and his HOA won't allow green energy.

#5 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-06-21 09:15 AM

all you electric car fanatics...great for urban dwellers, if they can find a charging station. then there's battery capacity degradation in cold weather...longer to charge and won't go as far. try pulling a horse trailer through the plains states with your electric pick up. if they're so wonderful why won't the public buy them? why is Ford tanking their EV dealership agreements? all you're doing with your EV's is shifting the power burden to an already overloaded infrastructure. when rolling blackouts are initiated this summer, how you gonna charge your tesla? and then there's the price to charge which from an overnight home charger can be relatively cheap but a quick charge will cost more than gas...after you wait in line for the charger.

#6 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 10:32 AM

when rolling blackouts are initiated this summer, how you gonna charge your tesla?

How are you going to gas up your truck? The gas pumps run on electricity.

Just an example of how you ignore how the very same problems affect normal gas powered cars.

Also "and then there's the price to charge which from an overnight home charger can be relatively cheap but a quick charge will cost more than gas"
How often do you actually need a super charger aside from long road trips?

#7 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-21 10:55 AM

The electric vehicle industry is still in its' infancy. Of course there are problems NOW, but that doesn't mean the problems won't get solved. The car industry has had decades to improve upon the internal combustion engine. Shouldn't electric vehicles get the same opportunity to improve upon theirs?

We did not go from the Wright Bros to Space X overnight, the same standard should be applied to this industry too. Perhaps a little less doomsaying is in order and allow the industry to develop.

#8 | Posted by Sezu at 2024-06-21 11:29 AM

The White House's policies have fueled plans for more than $200 billion in cleantech manufacturing investments -- mostly in districts with Republican lawmakers opposed to the agenda.

Hopefully the primary reason for citing these clean tech manufacturing jobs in red districts had nothing to do with politics. I would have much preferred to see them cited in blue or purple districts. Better yet, cite them where there is historic high employment or in locations with easy access from areas of historic high employment. Let those industries be the catalyst for reversing the fortunes of those communities long ravaged by high unemployment.

#9 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-06-21 11:34 AM

But you watch. The very same Republicans who attack Biden for his green energy efforts will be making speeches taking credit for the benefits that come from everything they opposed! That's a phenomenon we've come to expect because IT ALWAYS HAPPENS! Honestly, Republicans are shameless!...and F**king lisrs too!

#10 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-21 11:38 AM

How often do you actually need a super charger aside from long road trips? #7 POSTED BY SYCOPHANT

keep your gas tank full...don't wait till you're on empty, that'll help and a long trip. we can't go anywhere and it not consist of 20+ miles minimum, and lots of elevation changes. they're virtually useless in the country.
#8 POSTED BY SEZU...they've been trying to improve battery tech for the last 100 years, every since they put diesels on submarines.

I'm a lifelong gearhead, former racer and follow moto-tech religiously. if you're considering one then you better do your research

#11 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 11:43 AM

hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies
Gee, ..thanks?
just the interest payments are a gift that keeps on giving.

#12 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-21 11:47 AM

hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies
Gee, ..thanks?
just the interest payments are a gift that keeps on giving.


You are talking about oil right?

#13 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-21 11:57 AM

How often do you actually need a super charger aside from long road trips? #7 POSTED BY SYCOPHANT
keep your gas tank full...don't wait till you're on empty, that'll help and a long trip. we can't go anywhere and it not consist of 20+ miles minimum, and lots of elevation changes. they're virtually useless in the country.
#8 POSTED BY SEZU...they've been trying to improve battery tech for the last 100 years, every since they put diesels on submarines.
I'm a lifelong gearhead, former racer and follow moto-tech religiously. if you're considering one then you better do your research


I've never seen someone move the goal posts so far so quickly.

This must be embarrassing for you.

#14 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-21 11:59 AM

This must be embarrassing for you.....#14 POSTED BY SYCOPHANT

the only thing I'd find embarrassing would be, to be accused of responding to your posts as if you were an adult.

#15 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 12:13 PM

"hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies
Gee, ..thanks?"

Yeah!!! how stupid to try to get us off fossil fuels and replace them with renewable sources of energy! Don't they realize that once we ruin this planet we can just buy another one?

#16 | Posted by danni at 2024-06-21 12:25 PM

They should be pushing residential use combined with solar panels..convert to low voltage LED lights get busy on super high efficiency refrigeration/AC. easily integrated into the existing power infrastructure.
you'd be amazed at how much you can do on battery power.

#3 | Posted by brerrabbit

They're doing all of that. Republicans complain about it all the time.

#17 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-21 12:37 PM

I'm a lifelong gearhead, former racer and follow moto-tech religiously. if you're considering one then you better do your research

#11 | Posted by brerrabbit

That's why you're scared of them. Their superior technology renders your skills useless, stirring fears of uselessness and emasculation in you, which creates a hostile reaction.

#18 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-21 12:38 PM

That's why you're scared of them. Their superior technology renders your skills useless, stirring fears of uselessness and emasculation in you, which creates a hostile reaction.....#18 POSTED BY SPEAKSOFTLY

I'm retired. the only thing emasculating me is father time.
Superior tech...electric cars have been around for over 100 years. It's all about the batteries.

Green tech is great, as far as it goes. they've made advancements in photo voltaic tech but the sun isn't always shining so you're back to a storage system conundrum.

I don't know how you earn a living but I'd bet you don't even own a toolbox and have resented men, who actually fix things, your whole life.

#19 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:07 PM

Green tech is great, as far as it goes. they've made advancements in photo voltaic tech but the sun isn't always shining so you're back to a storage system conundrum.

I don't know how you earn a living but I'd bet you don't even own a toolbox and have resented men, who actually fix things, your whole life.

#19 | Posted by brerrabbit

It's not a conundrum. They're called batteries.

It's always the most insecure men who are the most obsessed with masculinity who go around declaring themselves more masculine than anyone who disagrees with them.

#20 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-21 01:14 PM

"keep your gas tank full...don't wait till you're on empty, that'll help"

Help wear down your brakes with the extra weight of that fuel...

The argument for keeping your tank full is to keep the fuel from getting watered down as it absorbed moisture from the air, but I don't think that happens as much with today's gas caps.

#21 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-21 01:19 PM

It's always the most insecure men who are the most obsessed with masculinity who go around declaring themselves more masculine than anyone who disagrees with them.....#20 POSTED BY SPEAKSOFTLY

I don't consider what you say a disagreement. A disagreement is opposing arguments that each side can attempt to defend based on provable examples that support their position. you don't have a supportable position so you attempt to brought up emasculation, a circumstance your therapist alluded to, I'm sure, when you complained about how you felt when your wife laughed at you because you couldn't get an --------.
but now you can take solace and show that it really wasn't your latent was microplastics LOL

#22 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:26 PM


so much gas today has a percentage of alcohol, that has pretty much eliminated water in the gas.

#23 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:28 PM

I don't consider what you say a disagreement. A disagreement is opposing arguments that each side can attempt to defend based on provable examples that support their position. you don't have a supportable position so you attempt to brought up emasculation, a circumstance your therapist alluded to, I'm sure, when you complained about how you felt when your wife laughed at you because you couldn't get an --------.
but now you can take solace and show that it really wasn't your latent was microplastics LOL

#22 | Posted by brerrabbit

You're a typewriter repairman ranting about how computers will never catch on.

Your skills are outdated. You've outlived your usefulness. You're no longer a man that society needs. To avoid this reality and the damage to your ego you choose to live in delusion.

#24 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-21 01:30 PM

"how you felt when your wife laughed at you because you couldn't get an --------."

I bet that felt better than when your wife laughed at you because you did!

#25 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-21 01:31 PM


I notice you were the first to comment on a thread with Penis in the title....wishful thinking?

#26 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:34 PM

I notice you were the first to comment on a thread with Penis in the title....wishful thinking?

#26 | Posted by brerrabbit

I noticed you're taking note of who comments on a penis thread.

Maybe try grindr instead.

#27 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-21 01:37 PM

I bet that felt better than when your wife laughed at you because you did!....#25 POSTED BY SNOOFY

this from a guy who thinks new style gas caps were to keep the water out

#28 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:39 PM

I'm all for transitioning to renewable energy sources, but there is nothing green, or clean about manufacturing lithium ion batteries. It is a nasty, toxic process

#29 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-06-21 01:41 PM


yeah...I love freaky posts

#30 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:41 PM

"I'm all for transitioning to renewable energy sources, but there is nothing green, or clean about manufacturing lithium ion batteries. It is a nasty, toxic process."

But is it nastier and more toxic than non-renewables?

Why can't you be all about, you know,
thinking about it
weighting the pros and cons.

#31 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-21 01:44 PM

"this from a guy who thinks new style gas caps were to keep the water out"

It's to keep the fuel in, but those two go together.

#32 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-21 01:45 PM


I don't think you could find anyone that wasn't for a clean, green, renewable. right now, for some of the reasons you cited, hydrogen tech is being touted. it's clean renewable, can utilize a lot of the existing infrastructure and doesn't put more load on our electrical grid

#33 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:47 PM

"there is nothing green, or clean about manufacturing lithium ion batteries. It is a nasty, toxic process"

Technology has taken us it is possible that technology can make the manufacturing process less nasty and toxic in the future?

#34 | Posted by eberly at 2024-06-21 01:47 PM


fume prevention

#35 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 01:49 PM

"so it is possible that technology can make the manufacturing process less nasty and toxic in the future?"

Listen up, kid.

If left to market forces, the manufacturing process will ignore how nasty and toxic it is, and focus on how profitable it is.

So, it's possible, but likely only achievable through massive regulation and incentives.

#36 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-21 01:50 PM


Thanks, Captain Obvious. I was unaware that capitalists were participating the manufacturing of products.

#37 | Posted by eberly at 2024-06-21 01:53 PM

Thanks Capitalism!

Happy Extinction!

#38 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-06-21 01:57 PM

The Holy Grail of energy production...Fusion instead of Fission. They know how it can be done but they haven't figured out a way to do it in a way using our present tech.
saltwater, lead acid, ni-cad, lithium ion...batteries are old technology and they've improved them but as iot stands right now it's not gonna replace internal combustion

#39 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 02:00 PM

I don't think you could find anyone that wasn't for a clean, green, renewable. right now, for some of the reasons you cited, hydrogen tech is being touted. it's clean renewable, can utilize a lot of the existing infrastructure and doesn't put more load on our electrical grid

#33 | Posted by brerrabbit

hydrogen is a great way to keep price gouging corporate middleman between you and your fuel. It's also far less efficient.

EV+solar sets you free, which is why exxon puts so much work into brainwashing people to oppose EVs and green tech.

#40 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-06-21 02:20 PM


#41 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-21 04:51 PM

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