Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Why GOPers Keep Ignoring the Reality of Falling Crime Rates

Steve Benen: NBC News reported recently, for example, "that crime in the U.S. declined significantly in 2023, continuing a post-pandemic trend and belying widespread perceptions that crime is rising." Last week, the Justice Department released some preliminary data on this year's figures, which also showed significant improvements in violent and property crimes in every region of the country. Prominent Republicans, however, aren't just reluctant to celebrate the good news, they're also pretending that it doesn't exist.



The Washington Post's Catherine Rampell noted soon after that murder rates in 2024 "are on track to be at or below what they were every year of Donald Trump's presidency."

On NBC News' "Meet the Press," for example, Rep. Byron Donalds told viewers, "I think it's important for people to understand your murder rate may be down, but that doesn't mean that violent crime, et cetera, are also lower."

But violent crime, et cetera, really are lower.

Sen. Tim Scott, another leading candidate for the GOP ticket, appeared on ABC News' "This Week," and told guest host Jonathan Karl: Under Joe Biden, we've seen the movement to defund the police, leaving communities like the one I grew up in devastated and ravaged by a wave of violent crime that we have not seen literally in five decades."

As the South Carolina Republican really ought to know, there's been no effort to defund law enforcement - except, that is, among Scott's GOP colleagues in Congress - and the idea that violent crime rates have reached a five-decade high is the opposite of reality.

The problem, of course, is not just that Republicans are lying. The broader significance of this is that many Americans don't know that they're lying, and the public has embraced assertions with no basis in reality.

The Democrats' universal message across the board should be - Republicans lie, just like their leader has over 30,000 documented times. Believe what they say at your own risk and peril.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-06-18 08:41 AM

Their leader has 34 felonies so surely crime is on the rise.

#2 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-18 10:49 AM

...Sen. Tim Scott...told guest host Jonathan Karl...
#1 | Posted by tonyroma

And of course this so called journalist didn't call him out on his lie.
That's the problem.

#3 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2024-06-18 11:05 AM

And of course this so called journalist didn't call him out on his lie.
That's the problem.

Yes Karl did.

When Karl noted that crimes are "actually down," Scott effectively said that he didn't care about the evidence. "We've seen a spike in violent crime," the senator added, pointing to a development that has not occurred.
But I understand and share your frustration. I found another article that touches on the fact that MAGA is based on lies and distortions told repeatedly to voters which in turn become "truths" that many cannot be disabused from:
The Trump campaign has seized on the essential truth that this election is about images and feelings rather than facts or policies. The campaign is also resorting to sometimes-desperate ploys in order to cover both candidates in a carefully formulated smog, hoping to obscure the differences between an old man who occasionally stumbles over his words and a nearly-as-old criminal who regularly wanders out of the gates of Fort Reality to go on a walkabout in the wilds of his unstable mind.

Trump's people understand the power of the fast lie and slow correction, and they know, too, that the media are reflexively averse to reporting on one of the major candidates as an unstable felon who is flatly lying to the public.

In the end, the Trump campaign has chosen the path of deception both because the weaknesses of its candidate demand it and because it's a more reliable path to better media coverage and to winning over credulous and inattentive voters. Why bother telling the truth if lying works so well?

Tom Nichols

#4 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-06-18 11:19 AM

"When Karl noted that crimes are "actually down," Scott effectively said that he didn't care about the evidence. "We've seen a spike in violent crime," the senator added, pointing to a development that has not occurred."

Here's a tip on how to recognize Republican Math in the wild, kids:

The equation they use is ALWAYS the following:

1 + 1 = Whatever today's talking points require.

#5 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-06-18 11:30 AM

Jon Stewart Debunks GOP's City Crime Narrative

#6 | Posted by qcp at 2024-06-18 01:16 PM

Doesn't fit "the sky is falling" argument?

#7 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-06-18 07:19 PM

The GQP morons believe whatever bulls**t the demented pedo and his pinheads an OAN are pushing.

They are immune to facts and will stick their heads in the sand to avoid them.

"When Karl noted that crimes are "actually down," Scott effectively said that he didn't care about the evidence. "We've seen a spike in violent crime,"

Tim is just begging for the VP nomination. He will say whatever it takes to get up the demented pedos ass and on the ticket. That makes him dangerous. The entire orange felon's second administration plans are going to be chock full of obedient yes men and felons.

An adminstration led by a low iq dictator who routinely talks about executing members of his own cabinet, who sent an armed insurrection to kill his VP is not the flex the US needs and would end democracy.

I would say we need a blue wave to crush him into retirement, but until he joins Ivana at his bug infested golf motel permanently he will never go away.

#8 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-19 09:01 AM

Why GOPers Keep Ignoring the Reality of [FILL IN THE BLANK]

Because Ignorance Is Strength.

#9 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-19 09:04 AM

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