Sunday, June 23, 2024

Bernie Shreds Billionaires Backing Trump: 'They'd Rather Give Up Democracy Than Take a Hit'

Sen. Bernie Sanders joins Chris Hayes to discuss the billionaires flocking back to Donald Trump: At a time when we have so much greed out there, when the religion of the billionaire class is greed ...



when the religion of the billionaire class is greed ...

The religion of the billionaire class requires them to laugh at annoying bugs like Bernie.

It doesn't require them to give a rats ass or even notice the rest of us.

After all they have already got theirs.

So ... Good luck getting yours!

#1 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-23 10:43 AM

yeah...thanks hillary and dem party leadership

#2 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-23 11:24 AM

Bernie Shreds Billionaires

#3 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-23 01:11 PM

The man (Bernie) has a valid point...

Brerrabbit sure don't.

#4 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-23 06:30 PM

re: #3

Woody looking jacked!

#5 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-06-23 07:20 PM


if the dems/clinton had allowed sanders to participate we probably wouldn't be worried about trump

#6 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-23 07:52 PM

'Yeah, and if's and but's were candy and nuts,
we'd all have a Merry Christmas...'

You can whine about something all day long,
put that won't change past history.

Move on. Try dealing with today's issues,
like an insane wannabe tyrant wanting to
kill democracy in America, or out of control
global warming, take your pick...

#7 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-24 06:50 AM

The past is the past,
many mistakes were made...

#8 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-24 06:51 AM

#7. "The end of Democracy, the end of democracy."
Grow a pair

#9 | Posted by fishpaw at 2024-06-24 11:29 AM

Grow a pair

So t take your democratic institutions for granted.

BTW, Attacked any democratic Capitols lately?

It's because of democracy that I can take a "hit" every day all day if I want to.

#10 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-24 12:12 PM


puff puff pass..

#11 | Posted by brerrabbit at 2024-06-24 01:26 PM

yeah...thanks hillary and dem party leadership

Imagine being such a cuck that you got victimized by Hillary Clinton.

#12 | Posted by snoofy at 2024-06-24 01:29 PM

puff puff pass..


Don't mind if I do!


puff puff and pass it on!

#13 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-24 01:32 PM

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