Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Schumer's New Bill Attacking SC Immunity Ruling on Trump

The Senate majority leader said he'll work with colleagues on a bill "classifying Trump's election subversion acts as unofficial acts not subject to immunity."



"We Democrats will not let the Supreme Court's decision stand unaddressed.

The Constitution makes plain that Congress has the authority to check the judiciary through appropriate legislation.

I will work with my colleagues on legislation classifying Trump's election subversion acts as unofficial acts not subject to immunity," Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor."


"We're doing this because we believe that in America no president should be free to overturn an election against the will of the people, no matter what the conservative justices may believe," Schumer said.

"As we work on this important matter, we'll also keep working on other proposals to reassert Congress's Article I authority to rein in the abuse of our federal judiciary. The American people are tired, just tired, of justices who think they are beyond accountability."T

he specifics of the bill aren't yet determined, and there would undoubtedly be hurdles to advancing the legislation in the Senate, where Democrats hold a razor-thin majority in a chamber that requires 60 votes for passage."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-09 05:37 PM

"The American people are tired, just tired, of justices who think they are beyond accountability."

Really? Then explain why the approval rate for the Supreme Court is multitudes higher than Congress or the current president. Seems people are just fine with what the court is doing - you know - following the Constitution and all.

#2 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-09 08:07 PM

"New poll shows majority of Americans believe Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality"


Fraudio is lucky to have his Q Bulletin Daily with all the Kremlin propaganda.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-09 08:49 PM

@#2 ... Then explain why the approval rate for the Supreme Court is multitudes higher than Congress or the current president. ...

Got a link?

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 09:17 PM

@#3 ... New poll shows majority of Americans believe Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality ...


That is the problem.

SCOTUS needs to be above politics, and act as a check upon the other two branches of government.

But, of late, they seem to have tossed that goal aside, and have shown an effort to place ideology first and foremost.

I wonder how history will view the Roberts Court?

My guess is that Chief Justice of the United States Roberts will not be in a happy place.

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 09:24 PM

"@#2 ... Then explain why the approval rate for the Supreme Court is multitudes higher than Congress or the current president. ...
Got a link?

Again, like the post in the college thread - I assumed this was general knowledge.

US Supreme Court Approval

Congress Approval --- Schumer included in this number

Biden Approval

#6 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-09 09:32 PM

From the links your current alias provides...

Supreme Court: 36%
Congressional approval: 18%
Biden approval: 37%

So, I ask again, got links?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 09:42 PM

"So, I ask again, got links?

US Supreme Court: +17.2% negative
Congress: +49.1% negative
Biden: +19.5% negative

My comment stands as correct.

#8 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-09 09:54 PM

@#8 ... My comment stands as correct. ...

I questioned your current alias' comment about "approval rate"

@#2 ... Then explain why the approval rate for the Supreme Court is multitudes higher than Congress or the current president. ...

Yet your current alias replies with the "disapproval rating."

Do try harder.

What else yer got?

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 10:01 PM

"Yet your current alias replies with the "disapproval rating."
What else yer got?

I got that standard way of reporting - that is the difference between approval and disapproval.

#10 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-09 10:09 PM

@#10 ... got that standard way of reporting ...

Then why didn't your current alias use that "standard way of reporting"in its post?

Sounds more like backtracking to me.


Have fun.

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 10:15 PM

"Then why didn't your current alias use that "standard way of reporting"in its post?
Sounds more like backtracking to me.

You can go to the links I sent you and you will see this called the "Adjusted Net Approval" - again, the standard way this is reported.

#12 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-09 11:03 PM


But rather than you getting spun up on this point, how about we address the actual point of my post:

Congress is net -49.1% - or ~3x more unpopular than the US Supreme Court. You don't find it the least bit odd that Schumer is whining with "The American people are tired, just tired, of justices who think they are beyond accountability" when the branch of government he represents is 3x more unpopular?

#13 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-09 11:07 PM

@#12 ... You can go to the links I sent you and you will see this called the "Adjusted Net Approval" - again, the standard way this is reported. ...

I did go to those links.

So, if your current alias says that "Net Approval" is the touchstone, then why in its #8 post cite disapproval ratings?

Your current alias' comment seems to negate, indeed, even say as clueless, a prior comment of your current alias.

Something I have been noting for a while.

It is good to see it finally admit what I have been saying.

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 11:15 PM

@#13 ... But rather than you getting spun up on this point ...

So your current alias seems to admit that it blew it. Big time.

OK, let's go with that.

... Congress is net -49.1% - or ~3x more unpopular than the US Supreme Court. ...

Good, your current alias is actually looking at numbers.

But, as I noted in my #7

From the links your current alias provides...

Supreme Court: 36%
Congressional approval: 18%
Biden approval: 37%

So, what's yer point?

That the House of Representatives does not represent Americans?

Given the recent GOP, I'll say, meandering in election results, I'd agree.

But what say ye?

#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-09 11:22 PM

"So, if your current alias says that "Net Approval" is the touchstone, then why in its #8 post cite disapproval ratings?

I did not cite DISAPPROVAL RATINGS ------- - I cited NET APPROVAL, which in all cases had a net negative number for each - which is probably causing your confusion now. Truly, how dumb are you?

Did you attend the Danforth school of debate where the point is to discuss ANYTHING BUT the relevant point at hand? You may think this makes you look intelligent - to people with a functioning brain, it makes you seem stuck on stupid and incapable of actual debate. But, if it is your style it is your style - I just choose not to engage in it.

#16 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-10 12:00 AM

@#16 ... I did not cite DISAPPROVAL RATINGS ------- - I cited NET APPROVAL, which in all cases had a net negative number for each - which is probably causing your confusion now. Truly, how dumb are you? ...

So, your current alias admits to the issue I had pointed out.

Your #8 post...

US Supreme Court: +17.2% negative
Congress: +49.1% negative
Biden: +19.5% negative

My comment stands as correct.

So now, for your current alias, negative ratings are now an approval?

Yeah, do try harder.

#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-07-10 12:09 AM

"So, your current alias admits to the issue I had pointed out.
Your #8 post...

Again, you seem to not understand the difference between NET APPROVAL (which can be a negative number) and DISAPPROVAL.

For Disapproval rate we have:
US Supreme Court: 53.8%
Congress: 67.1%
Biden: 56.8%

These ARE NOT the numbers I posted previously as I used the NET APPROVAL ratings - again, you seem stuck on stupid.

However, I have wasted enough of my time debating definitions with you on this topic. Do you care to address the issue at hand as I stated in my original comment? I ask as I am done with your nonsense attempt at deflection.

#18 | Posted by Claudio at 2024-07-10 12:18 AM

Thomas has probably suspected for some time that dems are coming after him for potential criminal violations. In fact Senate dems are asking AG Garland to investigate Thomas. Couple this with his lack of a warm embrace by the Black community and you end up with a Justice that is hostile to democracy. His wife potentially being named a Jan 6 co conspirator doesn't help matters.

If dems maintain control of the Senate and gain control over the House, I expect that Thomas will be impeached. If Trump is president, Thomas will resign. If Biden is president, expect the AG to appoint a special prosecutor.

Alito may be in a similar situation as Thomas. It may be that his misdeeds (if any) haven't been surfaced yet.

#19 | Posted by FedUpWithPols at 2024-07-10 08:03 AM

Special legislation for one person vs "a nation of laws, not a nation of men."

#20 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-10 11:27 AM

"Personal attacks is not okay."

#21 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-07-10 11:44 AM

"Personal attacks is not okay."


I raise.

"No man is above the law"

"Equal Justice Under the Law"

Your call.

#22 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-10 12:14 PM

Claudia is a drooling idiot.

LookDimward is another Jeff puppet.

#23 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-11 11:17 AM

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