
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The line snaked along the driveway, hundreds of people long. The weather was dreadful in southern New Hampshire " ice and the slush and the subfreezing temperatures " but Donald Trump's faithful didn't care. They were willing to wait two hours in the freezing cold, and three more in an airless ballroom, to witness what promised to be a triumphal occasion: The day before, their besieged champion had won a resounding victory in Iowa, and tonight's rally would be his victory lap. The night held forth the possibility of Vintage Trump " punchy, emboldened, zany " and they were willing to wait for it.


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Trump's rallies, once the primary attraction in the MAGA universe, have become awkward sideshows in his grander political drama, which is now unfolding primarily in closed courtrooms and six-page legal orders. (Just that morning, Trump had appeared in court in New York.)

But something deeper than distraction or fatigue plagued the former president's appearances in New Hampshire. Trump's speeches have always been rambling and directionless, but in 2024, they have the additional drawback of being inescapably monotonous.

His rallies aren't fundamentally different than they have been in past elections, but therein lies the problem: There's little new substance or material in this year's revival of the Trump Show. His core grievances " against the "radical left Democrats," the deep state, the RINOs, the globalists, the media " are little changed since he first started running for president in 2015, and his schticks " spinning out new nicknames for his rivals, goading the crowd to boo the press " are all retreads. Trump may still be full of venom and fury, but his laugh lines feel wooden and rehearsed, his digressions lacking color and zing.

And his fans " though, on the whole, as enthusiastic as ever " seem to be taking note. Last Saturday evening in Manchester, Trump spoke to a crowd of 5,000 inside a frigid minor league ice hockey stadium. Toward the end of his nearly two-hour speech, a soaring orchestral soundtrack came on over the PA system, and an American flag began billowing on the screen behind him. This was supposed to be the climactic culmination of his speech, but as Trump droned on " for five, 10, 15 minutes longer " even the supporters standing behind him on the stage started to look a little bored. Out in the stands, a steady stream of attendees trickled toward the exits.


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#1 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-14 11:53 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort