
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, September 02, 2024

Donald Trump's team is approaching the final nine weeks of the presidential campaign as a race to drag Kamala Harris down.


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Americans' views of the Republican nominee have barely budged over the past nine years, spanning three White House bids, two impeachments, an insurrection, four indictments and an assassination attempt. He remains deeply divisive, with enthusiastic support and intense opposition.


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"President Joe Biden was also broadly unpopular, but now Trump faces Harris, whose favorability rating is roughly even. An ABC News/Ipsos poll released on Sunday found that 46 percent of likely voters viewed Harris favorably versus 43 percent unfavorably, while Trump's ratings were 33 percent to 58 percent.

With little chance of improving Trump's standing, Trump's advisers see the only option as damaging hers."


"Harris has largely avoided engaging with Trump over his most personal attacks, including his baseless questioning of her racial identity as the daughter of a Black father and an Indian American mother.

In her first interview Thursday as the Democratic nominee with CNN's Dana Bash, Harris addressed the question by saying, "Same old tired playbook. Next question, please."

"I thought she handled it brilliantly in that interview," said David Axelrod, a Democratic political strategist.

"Getting sidetracked on that discussion is unprofitable for her. ... She's not made herself a kind of symbol, she's not made herself a historic candidate. She's simply running as someone who has the experience and the values to move the country forward and to deal with the problems that people are most concerned about, and I think that's a wise strategy."


Orange pig tries to drag opposition into the pen with him.

Given his 33 percent favorability with the loud, but ill-informed rightwing, that's really all he can do. Really, it's all he's ever done.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-02 02:52 PM | Reply

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