Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Clown, the Reichwing media machine demonized HRC starting during the 1992 Presidential run. It seemed they took more glee in savaging her than they did Bill. They hated her because she didn't want to be the meek little house frau baking cookies. She was an intelligent, outspoken woman with her own views. She was smarter than Bill but lacked his charisma and ability to explain complicated concepts to hillbillies. By the time she ran for POTUS in 2016, it had been 25 years of her in the GQP crosshairs as truly their favorite target. Even some Democrats believed some of the mud slung at her. Kamala has no such record of GQP hatred. It is incumbent on her campaign to do a strong media introduction to her as the brilliant prosecutor, the caring stepmother, the understanding boss, and the joyful warrior. That will inoculate her from the GQP lies about her, and allow her to brush aside this DEI BS as what it is, small, racist men who have amounted to nothing in their lives intimidated by a strong, intelligent, black woman. She, as the nominee, has activated the two most important parts of the Democratic coalition, black women (and men based on the Zoom call a day ago), and GenZ. That is the energy of the party, and every Dem I've seen on TV and heard on podcasts is fired up and ready for this fight. Plus, Dotard can give it, but so can Kamala, and her barbs about Fat Smellvis being a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist ring true. Her first campaign appearance at the top of the ticket in Wisconsin had to be moved on short notice to a high school, where she drew 3500. People were lined up around the block. There is a real excitement here; dare I say, Obamalike.

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