Lol, perfect, no help for TX with wildfires, hurricanes, or freezing Temps, FL can go ahead and sink into the sea, all the poor little S-Hole states who have to face once in a lifetime climate change driven environmental disasters every five years, good luck with that. If they want to hold money from CA, the the state with theFOURTH LARGEST ECO OMY IN THE WORLD should refuse to continue to fund the morons who are leading the red states to the bottom in education, Healthcare, worker rights, etc.
Lol, perfect, no help for TX with wildfires, hurricanes, or freezing Temps, FL can go ahead and sink into the sea, all the poor little S-Hole states who have to face once in a lifetime climate change driven environmental disasters every five years, good luck with that. If they want to hold money from CA, the the state with theFOURTH LARGEST ECO OMY IN THE WORLD should refuse to continue to fund the morons who are leading the red states to the bottom in education, Healthcare, worker rights, etc.