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Sunday, December 08, 2024

Enough billionaires and multimillionaires have been assembled by Donald Trump to fill key roles in his nascent administration to form a soccer team. More are in the works. read more


Any international affairs experts here? For the life of every living veteran, the fortunes of Europe and America were generally paired. And Russia went form being the "evil empire" under Reagan to the country with a chance of becoming a market economy democracy under Clinton, to the country whose leader GW Bush was able to see decency "in his and then back to being the evil empire in the 2010s under Obama with Russia's land grab of Georgia's Abkahzia region and Ukraine's Crimea and western parts of Luhansk and Donetzk Oblasts and failed attempt to destroy Mariupol.

Trump 45 almost sold Ukraine under the bus, but better senses prevailed. Then Russia invaded Ukraine again, aiming for Kyiv and Kherson, Kharkiv, Zaporhizhia, and Mariupol and bombing civilian apartment buildings and homes, hospitals, churches, children's centers, and supermarkets and other stores. They kidnapped a generation of children, and have continue to murder civilians in Kherson for no military purpose, just to be evil. SO, until this week, throughout the free world, Muscovy was again the undisputed "Evil Empire"!

So to my State Dept. DIA, and DOD pals, what gives with America's leadership suddenly declaring Zelensky the "dictator", but not Putin, and our treaty-making team fawning over Russia's Lavrov and opening the vault doors to take anything they wanted from Ukraine? I can't make sense of this unless kleptofascist dictator Putin's awfully blackmailed Trump, or it's that Trump might be the "Muscovy President", funded by Moscow to destroy NATO (and America) and in fulfillment of his real mission: "To Make Russia Great Again". Hmm?

In 20219-20, Trump and Pompeo met the Taliban in Qatar to independently capitulate at the expense of the Afghan government. Is the Trump-Waltz's intention with Russia in Saudi Arabia to repeat a unilateral American capitulation to the bad guys? Seems like that's where this is heading.

Would anyone with inside info on what we who regarded NATO as the driver of a rules based world order should do now that our country doesn't stand for that, but seem to be aiming for a world order of hungry wolves eating the spawn of the lambs around them? How do we American warriors for democracy and free economies rationalize this about face that makes enemies of our allies and makes emenies our new friends?

What a disgrace! After post-Soviet Russia was welcomed into the G7, making it the G8, Russia had a chance to join the world of democracies and market-driven economies. But then, after Yeltsin's retirement, Putin rose to power and soon after his KGB buddies became leaders of Russia's industry and Orthodox Church. What happened next is as expected. Private ownership by former KGB officers meant that these industries were no longer public nor open to private investors. Nor were the owners free from government influence. Their owners existed only with the consent of the leader, essentially helping Russia develop into a fascist state, where corporations support the single leader and his objectives. If these "oligarchs" would defy their leader (Putin), a ticked off Putin could lead to an "accidental" window fall that might likely kill you.

It's beyond any US veteran's comprehension that Russia could be considered the good guy. With Putin in power for the past 22 years, he's neither someone who shares the West's values of plural governance or polity, nor the morality of any modern nation. Instead Putin believes in government that obeys the dictates of a single "leader" whose institutions supporting him broach no dissent, nor any bad press. He also believes that industry has to follow his desires and the leaders of industry have to operate with the supreme leader's consent.

So, Putin's Russia has become a fascist kleptocracy -- a sham-democracy, nearly fully separated its predecessor, a semi-fascist "communist" Soviet Union. As early as 2008, Putin told then-President George W Bush that "Ukraine is not a country". Since then, Putin has asserted that there is no such thing as a Ukrainian people separate from Russia.

"These claims were designed to deny the existence and agency of the Ukrainian nation," Erik Herron, a West Virginia University political scientist and author of the book Elections and Democracy after Communism, told PolitiFact in 2022.

Yet, the history of Ukraine has involved several empires or states, some of which were entirely separate from Russia, Eugene Finkel, an associate professor with Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, told PolitiFact on the eve of the war.

Putin set the table for the 2022 invasion with a 5,000-word essay in July 2021. In it, he argued that much of modern-day Ukraine occupies historically Russian lands and that "Russia was robbed" of them. Putin's essay blamed the conflict on the West, claiming that the protest-driven ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, an ally of Russia, was engineered from the outside and that the Ukrainian government elected in 2014 was illegitimate.

Clearly, there is no legal precedent for the executive branch to do a lot of what its done. Congress oversees of these agencies that are being storm-troopered by DOGE and close without due process. If a president wants to disestablish any one of them, he would in neatly all xases need Congress to make that happen.

What is unclear is whether DOGE, an unauthorized Executive Branch creation is legally empowered to do anything with congressionally established departments or agencies. Further, Congress has the sole power to appropriating funds to government's departments and their agencies. So, could the president legally create and fund and empower something like DOGE?

On the surface, it seems that the Jan. 20 Executive Order that created DOGE www.whitehouse.gov is legal even though DOGE appropriates to itself all of the funds previously appropriated to the executive branch's US Digital Service (USDS) agency, because the Executives Order simply renames and repurposes USDS.

This is where DOGE's legality is questionable. The replacement of the Congressionally approved and funded USDS should be legally challenged on the grounds that the mission of DOGE is incredibly different from USDS's, which was to make federal agencies' software and internet systems more customer-friendly and effective. agencies This isn't Trump's Executive Order's purpose for DOGE. What DOGE is doing is almost certainly not what any previous Congress appropriated budget funds to USDS to do.

But since the previous Congress only promised to fund government under a continuing resolution, does the Executive Branch have power to repurpose USDS in the current fiscal year( FY) and then bet that the final FY-2025 budget bill will appropriate USDS's previously authorized funding to the EO created replacement - DOGE.

Congress could challenge the misappropriation of USDS's funding and de-facto disestablishment of USDS with an entirely repurposed agency. But would the current (Trump-cowering) GOP-dominated Congress stand up to Trump when it finally approves a FY-2025 budget bill?

It probably won't. But Congress pass an Omnibus spending bill and that Project 2025 creators like and that Trump will sign into law. So the only ways to erase DOGE from existence will be either: 1) explicit action by Congress to require DOGE to restore USDS's original mission functions for it to be funded (fat chance!); or 2) for the courts to determine that DOGE is a misappropriation of funds specifically intended to carryout the mission of USDS. Could a Dem caucus file such a lawsuit without some GOP support? Probably, but a) could Congress's GOP majority then retroactively pass a law approving the demise of USDS's mission and the appropriation of 2025 funds to DOGE's mission? Probably, and this is DEFINITELY what the Democratic leadership must force the GOP caucus into doing.

So, if a FY 2025 budget law is passed that misses the step to retroactively repurpose USDS's funds to serve DOGE's specifically & legally delineated purposes, call your senators & Congress members and insist that the administration be sued for misappropriating federal budget monies. It could eventually force Congress to vote on DOGE's new mission, which probably would not erase DOGE, but it would force it to be created legally by Congress and give Congress a say in its mission and give Congress oversight over USDS's successor entity.

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