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I'm rooting for the asteroid.

Breaking News: Four muslim doctors say, "Israel Bad, mkay".
Unnamed "senior UN official" says, "Gaza has the largest number of amputee children in modern history".
This story by ABC is a perfect example of modern 'reporting'. No fact checking, no outside sources. Begin with a narrative from a singular point of view, insert biased stenography and photos of dirty children.

It took .05 seconds for Google to dunk on just one of the absurd claims made in this propaganda piece.
UNICEF (THE UN) says about 1,000 children in Gaza have lost a limb.
6,000 children in Sierra Leon lost a limb(s) to RUF machetes. They were not medical amputees of injured limbs. Perfectly healthy children hacked to pieces, many lost BOTH arms or BOTH legs.

Something about being a Palestinian (Hamas) supporter either makes the person lose all perspective, or perhaps they never had any to being with.
Example: very, very NAZI
-by Redlightrobot who believes in alien conspiracies and all sorts of nonsense

The testimony at Nuremberg of the Nazi leader of Einsatzgruppen D:
COL. AMEN: What were their instructions with respect to the Jews and the Communist functionaries?
OHLENDORF: The instructions were that in the Russian operational areas of the Einsatzgruppen the Jews, as well as the Soviet political commissars, were to be liquidated.
COL. AMEN: And when you say "liquidated" do you mean "killed?"
OHLENDORF: Yes, I mean "killed."
COL. AMEN: Do you know how many persons were liquidated by Einsatz Group D under your direction?
OHLENDORF: In the year between June 1941 to June 1942 the Einsatzkommandos reported 90,000 people liquidated.
COL. AMEN: Did that include men, women, and children?

From the affidavit of Hermann Graebe:

"I heard a series of rifle shots close by. The people from the trucks - men, women and children - were forced to undress under the supervision of an SS soldier with a whip in his hand. ..Without weeping or crying out, these people undressed and stood together in family groups, embracing each other and saying goodbye while waiting for a sign from the SS soldier, who stood on the edge of the ditch, a whip in his hand, too. During the fifteen minutes I stayed there, I did not hear a single complaint, or plea for mercy. I watched a family of about eight: a man and woman, surrounded by their children of about one, eight, and ten, and two girls. An old lady held the baby in her arms, rocking it, and singing it a song. The infant was crying aloud with delight. The father held the ten-year-old boy by the hand, speaking softly to him: the child struggled to hold back his tears. Then the father pointed a finger to the sky, and, stroking the child's head, seemed to be explaining something. At this moment, the SS near the ditch called something to his comrade. The latter counted off some twenty people and ordered them behind the mound. The family of which I have just spoken was in the group.

I walked around the mound and faced a frightful common grave. Tightly packed corpses were heaped so close together that only the heads showed. Most were wounded in the head and the blood flowed over their shoulders. Some still moved. Others raised their hands and turned their heads to show that they were still alive. The ditch was two-thirds full. I estimate that it held a thousand bodies."

Anyone that compares Israelis to Nazis is a fool, a lair and beneath contempt.

Note that NT Wright, despite his soft and polite BBC-voice cosplay is a rabid conservative and gay basher.

In the video he criticizes science for, "also inventing the atomic bomb, gas chambers, nuclear missiles and god knows what else".
The same dichotomy can be laid directly at the feet of his god and the messaging of millionaire tv preachers like NT Wright. Reading the Bible can produce a Corky...or a pathetic know-nothing, self-loathing imbecile like Bill.
The same god that inspires homeless shelters makes hijackers and cyanide koolaid.

He brought up Epicurus but didnt even attempt to combat his most famous critique. No one has. It is older than Christinaity and has stood up to every one of these conmen selling pencils from a cup.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

At the end of the video comes the same white noise every Christian preacher relies upon to sheer his sheep. It doesn't matter how many book deals, honorary titles or degrees specializing in comic books they have or if they have none of those things. In the end they will always always always rely on word-salad gibberish like: "when Jesus' first followers (who btw don't agree on ANYTHING and often contradict themselves) talked about the god they saw revealed in Jesus, who they saw active by the spirit..."
Those are infact all words in the English language but they don't say anything meaningful or even comprehensible.

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