Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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85% believe that having religion in public schools would improve student morality, decrease school shootings
52% say it's acceptable for school staff to give advice based on their religious beliefs; 66% say it's acceptable to have school-led prayer
The majority of proponents identify as religious Christians
Of those who find it acceptable to integrate religious instruction into public schools, many believe that this will lead to a decrease in school violence (73%), bullying (71%), substance abuse (67%), sexual experimentation (59%), and gender dysphoria (55%).
Additionally, the vast majority say doing so would improve student morality (85%), mental health (82%), and work ethic (75%).

Gallup asked people whether they favored or opposed allowing displays of the Ten Commandments in public schools. Seventy-four percent favored such displays; only 24% opposed them.

Drudge Retort

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