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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The feud between former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Matt Gaetz continued on the RNC Convention floor Tuesday evening as Gaetz tried to taunt his former colleague. Gaetz repeatedly tapped his shoulder and said: "What night are you speaking? Are you speaking tonight?" read more

According to the USDOJ: A leader of Maniac Murder Cult, a white supremacist group, allegedly recruited others to commit arson and bombings targeting racial minorities and the Jewish community. "The Butcher" allegedly planned a New Year's Eve attack involving Santa Claus handing out poisoned candy to racial minorities as well as distributing poisoned candy to Jewish children. read more

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Robert Spitzer, a professor of political science at SUNY Cortland, says Trump could get a temporary boost in the polls, but he did not expect it to carry through to November. Matthew Dallek, a professor of political history, says the historical record does not indicate politicians can successfully translate sympathy from violent attacks into election victories: "Theodore Roosevelt was shot while campaigning for the presidency in 1912 yet still lost. An assassination attempt on President Harry Truman in 1950 did not prevent his Democratic Party from losing big in the midterms later that year. Two assassination attempts were made on President Gerald Ford's life in 1975. He still lost the presidential election a year later."


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