Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Michael Travis Leake is a musician, band manager and former paratrooper who was accused of organizing a drug trafficking operation involving young people, according to Moscow's court service. read more

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Maxim Marchenko (52) participated in an overseas illicit procurement network on behalf of Russia that illegally procured military-grade dual-use items with significant military applications, such as in rifle scopes, night vision goggles, thermal optics and other weapon systems. read more

Sue Mi Terry (54), a former CIA official and a leading expert on North Korea, was arrested on allegations of secretly working for South Korea's intelligence agency. Ms. Terry reportedly promoted South Korean government positions in her public appearances and passed USG information and contacts to Seoul intelligence agents. In exchange, she received luxury handbags, expensive dinners and over $37,000. read more

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The feud between former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Matt Gaetz continued on the RNC Convention floor Tuesday evening as Gaetz tried to taunt his former colleague. Gaetz repeatedly tapped his shoulder and said: "What night are you speaking? Are you speaking tonight?" read more

According to the USDOJ: A leader of Maniac Murder Cult, a white supremacist group, allegedly recruited others to commit arson and bombings targeting racial minorities and the Jewish community. "The Butcher" allegedly planned a New Year's Eve attack involving Santa Claus handing out poisoned candy to racial minorities as well as distributing poisoned candy to Jewish children. read more


Two more reflections:

1) This public message for POTUS to resign reminded me of D/FBI James Comey's 2016 public comments right before the election regarding candidate Hilary Clinton's e-mails. No good came from that, costing her the election. In NYC we call that a "hit job."



2) A constellation of generals and admirals wrote an amicus brief to SCOTUS regarding the incredible danger #45 poses to the Nation. Where are they now? Are they campaigning for POTUS? Are they being used for DNC ads?



Perhaps Corky is right and the DNP calls for Pres. Biden to resign are out of self-interest: keeping their jobs. But note that our Founding Fathers were not concerned about POTUS being too elderly, but too youthful.



And Pres. Biden's annual physical exam revealed no signs of trouble, according to his doctor, who said that this year's check-up "identified no new concerns."



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