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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The DoJ settled a lawsuit with former FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was fired from the FBI while investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election because of disparaging text messages he wrote about #45. read more

Three Bulgarian citizens have been detained on suspicion of vandalizing the Holocaust Memorial in Paris in May 2024. They allegedly made 35 red palm prints on the monument, meant to symbolize bloodstained hands referring to Israel's brutal onslaught on the Gaza Strip. read more

SECDEF Lloyd J. Austin III has directed the DoD to review the Medals of Honor awarded to approximately 20 soldiers for their actions during the December 1890 engagement at Wounded Knee Creek, SD, to ensure no awardees were recognized for conduct inconsistent with the nation's highest military honor. In 1990, both houses of the US Congress passed a resolution on the historical centennial formally expressing "deep regret" for the massacre. read more

Friday, July 26, 2024

In a gentlemanly and surprising move to secure women, minorities, and undecided voters, the ex-Dotard-in-Chief responded to an electrifying Kamala Harris campaign speech by calling her "human garbage" on Fox News. read more

In North Carolina, three men received prison sentences for various conspiracy and firearms offenses in connection with a racially-motivated scheme to destroy an energy facility. Paul James Kryscuk (38) of Boise, ID, was sentenced to six years and six months for conspiracy to destroy an energy facility. Liam Collins (25) of Johnston, RI, was sentenced to 10 years for aiding and abetting the interstate transportation of unregistered firearms. Justin Wade Hermanson (25) of Swansboro, NC was sentenced to one year and nine months in for conspiracy to manufacture firearms and ship interstate. read more


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