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Saturday, February 01, 2025

Cole Schmidtknecht (22) from Wisconsin died after an asthma attack when he couldn't afford to pay for his medication which suddenly rose in price from $66 to $539. Cole left Walgreens that day without filling his prescription because the insurance company wouldn't pay for it. In the days that followed, Cole repeatedly struggled to breathe and relied solely on an old emergency inhaler. Turning blue, his friend drove Cole to the hospital, but doctors were unable to save this young, happy good-looking man. read more

A NY doctor was indicted by a Louisiana grand jury for allegedly prescribing an abortion pill online in the Deep South state, which has one of the strictest near-total abortion bans in the US. read more

Friday, January 31, 2025

The Dotard-in-Chief visited a Trumpf Organization property on 428 of the 1,461 days (30%) of his first presidential term and is estimated to have played 261 rounds of golf, one every 5.6 days. One of Trumpf's campaign pledges was to immediately lower the price of eggs and gasoline for American consumers. Since being in office, both prices have increased while the Dotard-in-Chief golfed twice already. The ingenious Trumpf Golf Tracker monitors the time His Imperial Majesty is on the links while "Rome burns." read more

A petition calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trumpf has garnered more than 100,000 signatures just a few days into his second term. The nonprofit Free Speech for People launched the petition on the day Trumpf returned to the White House. read more

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Trumpf signed a memo that sets in motion preparations to house thousands of migrants at the US military camp at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba. He said the US has "30,000 beds in Guantnamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people." Officials who were surprised by Trumpf's announcement said they do not know how many beds for migrants are at Guantnamo or whether it would be a short- or a long-term mission. They said there are no plans to upgrade or change the military facilities there. read more


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