A hack at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) played a short, AI-generated video of Trump kissing Musk's feet with the title "Long Live the Real King." read more
On Sunday, the US Postal Service Workers Rank-and-File Committee, an affiliate of the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, held a well attended online meeting aimed at organizing mass action by the working class to defend the USPS and oppose the mass firing of federal workers and gutting of essential services by Donald Trumpf and his oligarch partner in crime, billionaire Felon Musk. Over 150 people from around the world, including postal workers in the US, Canada and the UK, participated in Sunday's discussion. Participants discussed and adopted a resolution titled "Oppose the Mass Firing of Federal Workers and Defend Postal Jobs!" The resolution was overwhelmingly supported, with 99 percent of attendees voting in favor. read more
At the Governor's Ball in the White House, the USMC Choir sang an arrangement from Les Miserables. The Victor Hugo novel and play revolves around anti-monarchy and fighting tyranny, famous for its climactic scene from the Paris Uprising of 1832. The US Marines gleefully protested the sham administration right under their very noses. Link: www.youtube.com read more
Personnel assigned to the 377th Security Forces Squadron responded to an incident at approximately 2AM Saturday, 22 Feb resulting in a shooting incident. One Airman was treated for a nonfatal gunshot wound to the hand. The other Airman was found dead at the scene. The cause of death and the incident remains under investigation by local authorities. read more
A police officer was killed and a gunman died in a shootout at a central Pennsylvania hospital Saturday, according to officials. West York Borough police announced that Officer Andrew Duarte died while responding to a 10:43 a.m. call about an active threat at UPMC Hospital in York, PA. No patients were injured during the shooting, and the five-story, 104-bed hospital has been secured, according to a statement by Pennsylvania State Police. It's unclear if there were any other injuries. "At this time, the shooter is deceased and there is no danger to the public. The hospital is secured," police said. read more
This is what a federal employee emailed to Elon at hr@opm.gov
Here are the five things I accomplished last week:
1. I volunteered at my local food shelf.
2. I sent Bernie Sanders a check to help with his nationwide rally blitz.
3. I contacted my senator Amy Klobuchar to complain about you.
4. I contacted my senator Tina Smith to complain about you.
5. I congratulated my nephew on getting rid of his Tesla.
Hi Doc Sarvis. The next four years are going to be a nightmare for the American masses and our international allies while the oligarchs drain our wealth. Concur about Felon Musk. He needs Chinese factories and cheap labor (as well as minerals from Africa and Greenland). Beijing is testing Trumpf, Australia, and NZ with a live-fire drill in the Tasman Sea. Please see fifth entry: coriolanus.page
President Volodomir Zelensky is a true leader, ready to resign the Presidency of Ukraine if it helps his country and brings peace. We don't hear Vladimir Putin saying he would resign for the benefit of Russia and bringing peace. If the Russian military is so mighty, why is the casualty count ten to one in favor of Ukraine? Since 24 Feb 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow has lost 868,320 soldiers. In comparison, estimates of Ukraine's losses are a fraction of Moscow's. Lastly, an international arrest warrant for war crimes was issued for Vladimir Putin, not Volodomir Zelensky. Source: The Hague