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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trump expressed concern that returning classified docs after subpoena could result in criminal charges, according to sealed notes

Judge Aileen Cannon is considering tossing out the notes as evidence. read more

Two international bodies have on the same day accused Russia of carrying out war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine. read more

... the oldest ever found in deep waters Researchers say location of wreck, carrying hundreds of intact storage vessels, proves Late Bronze Age mariners could journey far out to sea read more

Mark Joseph Stern: Justice Clarence Thomas is a master at the art of bogus history -- rewriting the past to give the Constitution a new, dubious meaning that happens to align with the Republican Party platform. read more

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Another shot has been fired in Israel's ongoing internal war.

The country's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that Ultra-Orthodox Jews known as Haredim must join the Israel Defense Forces for the first time. It also states that male Haredim will no longer receive government funding to study Jewish texts at schools called yeshivas and in adult study halls called kollels.


"Prosecutors allege that rather than comply with the subpoena, Trump opted to hide dozens of classified documents from his own lawyers, and federal agents eventually seized 102 classified documents -- including 17 top secret documents -- after they executed a search warrant at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022.

Two months before agents searched Mar-a-Lago, Trump's former lead attorney Evan Corcoran's notes -- which prosecutors have used to bolster their case against the former president -- describe that Trump repeatedly blamed his legal troubles on his "political enemies," was reluctant to allow the review of boxes that prosecutors say contained dozens of classified documents, and engaged in conduct that prosecutors believe was an effort to "corrupt" his attorneys by concealing Trump's alleged retention of classified documents.

"He raised a question as to, if we gave them additional documents now, would they, would they, the Department of Justice, come back and say well, why did you withhold them and try to use that as a basis for criminal liability or to make him look bad in the press," according to Corcoran's notes about what Trump asked his attorneys in May 2022 after prosecutors subpoenaed the former president to turn over any classified documents in his possession, records reviewed by ABC News say.

"Well look isn't it better if there are no documents?" Trump also asked his attorneys after raising concerns about prosecutors "opening up new fronts against him," according to Corcoran's notes."

More at the thread link.

Also reviewed here:


Maybe he'll get a question about this at the Debate?

"RTI Systems and AFK develop and produce long-horizon radars for the Voronezh stations of Russia's missile attack warning system, some 200 miles from the border with Ukraine.

Putin previously considered the Voronezh radars the centerpiece of the country's ballistic missile warning system, even awarding the RTI System designer the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

In early June, the president even used his confidence in the missile defense system as an underhanded threat to Europeans.

"If, God forbid, it comes to some strikes, then everyone should understand that Russia has a system of SRPN - a missile attack warning system," Putin told the audience at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"The United States [has it too]. Nowhere else in the world is there such a developed system. There is no developed system in Europe. In this sense, they are more or less defenseless,"

However, the system has proven vulnerable to Ukrainian attacks in recent weeks.

In late May, Ukrainian media reported that a drone had struck a Voronezh radar system in the Russian city of Orsk. Earlier in the month, a Ukrainian drone hit a similar radar station in the southwestern region of Krasnodar.

According to the Telegram Channel of Cheka-OGPU, while Novitsky's arrest was framed as Russian courts dealing with a serious instance of fraud, it is more accurately viewed as an expression of dissatisfaction with RTI's radar stations.

"The Russian authorities have set a course to imprison all those who were related to certain elements of the current air defense system," the Telegram post reads.

It also claimed that Vladimir Shukshin, who supervised activities relating to defense at Novitsky's other company, AFK Sistema, is reported missing."

You really, really don' wanna go missing in Vlad's Russia.

all of us have these bags of manure that we carry around with us
called our past and the people who have done things to us and the events and the circumstances all of this stuff that we
use and we bond to and we Bond ourselves to these wounds of our past and we identify ourselves on the basis of these
wounds and every once in a while we set it down and we reach in there and we smear it all over ourselves and then we
wonder why does my life smell so bad I don't understand this when in fact the now this moment merging
yourself into the now means that you may have been in a relationship

I had a woman from Holland who came over to see
me whose husband had left her after 25 years she had four children and she just
had been on the verge of suicide and she was losing weight and she was depressed and she was taking all kinds of drugs
for it and she was getting sicker and sicker because she just couldn't get over it and she came to a book signing
that I was doing at a bookstore down in Florida and she said you've got to say something
to me you've got to say something to me that will help me
to get over this and

I told her this line I said give up your personal history
merge yourself here now into this moment and those 25 years are something if you
want to understand how to do it think of your past as
oh this hat and this is your past now you can't just set this thing down
over here and walk away from it and give up your personal history because you'll
always have it there to look back at what you do is you pick up your
past and you embrace it you understand it you accept it

more at the link ( you can click More then Show Transcript and toggle off time stamps if you'd prefer to read rather than watch )

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