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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Another one of Mark Cuban's critiques of Donald Trump has gone viral on social media, with the business mogul offering four takedowns of the former president's policies. read more

Russia's Victory Day offensive is turning into a bloodbath ... for Russian troops.

Russia's Victory Day offensive across Ukraine's northern border with Russia may have aimed to capture a wide, deep swathe of territory to bring heavy artillery closer to the city of Kharkiv, 25 miles to the south. More ambitiously, Russian commanders may have hoped to march on Kharkiv itself. read more

Supporters of former President Donald Trump are turning against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett after she sided with the Biden administration in a dispute with Republican-led states.

In a 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Missouri, Barrett wrote for the court that the states did not have standing to sue over how social media companies moderate content on their platforms. Justice Samuel Alito filed a dissent and was joined by Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. read more

A Russian millionaire responsible for the country's nuclear shield is being tried in a Moscow court in the wake of a series of attacks by Ukraine. read more

Jun 26, 2024 Stranger Things In just the latest example of how Donald Trump needs to be praised on a daily basis, he just posted a video to Truth Social which showed a group of people thanking him in various ways. This includes one young man who calls him God Emperor, and a woman who said he is the Chosen One.



TRUMP: "The problem they have is they're radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth, after birth."

THE FACTS: Trump inaccurately referred to abortions after birth. Infanticide is criminalized in every state, and no state has passed a law that allows killing a baby after birth. (more)

TRUMP: We had the greatest economy in history."

THE FACTS: That's not accurate. First of all, the pandemic triggered a massive recession during his presidency. The government borrowed $3.1 trillion in 2020 to stabilize the economy. Trump had the ignominy of leaving the White House with fewer jobs than when he entered.

But even if you take out issues caused by the pandemic, economic growth averaged 2.67% during Trump's first three years. That's pretty solid. But it's nowhere near the 4% averaged during Bill Clinton's two terms from 1993 to 2001, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

In fact, growth has been stronger so far under Biden than under Trump.

JAN. 6

TRUMP, on Jan. 6 rioters: "They talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol and in many cases were ushered in by the police."

THE FACTS: That's false. The attack on the U.S. Capitol was the deadliest assault on the seat of American power in over 200 years. As thoroughly documented by video, photographs and people who were there, thousands of people descended on Capitol Hill in what became a brutal scene of hand-to-hand combat with police.

TRUMP on Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who was detained in Russia: "He should have had him out a long time ago, but Putin's probably asking for billions and billions of dollars because this guy pays it every time."

THE FACTS: Trump is wrong to say that Biden pays any sort of fee "every time" to secure the release of hostages and wrongfully detained Americans. There's also zero evidence that Putin is asking for any money in order to free Gershkovich.

Just like in the Trump administration, the deals during the Biden administration that have brought home hostages and detainees involved prisoner swaps -- not money transfers.


TRUMP, referring to Biden: "He's the one that killed people with a bad border and flooding hundreds of thousands of people dying and also killing our citizens when they come in."

THE FACTS: A mass influx of migrants coming into the U.S. illegally across the southern border has led to a number of false and misleading claims by Trump.

For example, he regularly claims other countries are emptying their prisons and mental
institutions to send to the U.S. There is no evidence to support that.


TRUMP, referring to Jan. 6, 2021, the day a mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol in an effort to stop the certification of Biden's victory: "On January 6th we had the lowest taxes ever. We had the lowest regulations ever on January 6th."

THE FACTS: The current federal income tax was only instituted in 1913, and tax rates have fluctuated significantly in the decades since. Rates were lower in the 1920s, just prior to the Great Depression.

Tax rates under Trump were higher.


TRUMP, touting his environmental record, said that "during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever" and that he supports "immaculate" air and water.

THE FACTS: That's far from the whole story. During his presidency, Trump rolled back some provisions of the Clean Water Act, eased regulations on coal, oil and gas companies and pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.

When wildfires struck California in 2020, Trump dismissed the scientific consensus that climate change had played a role.



15 Bible Verses Identifying Trump as the Antichrist


It's like an exact description... each one. Plus 12 more.

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