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Saturday, June 29, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump's plane was spotted next to Putin's plane on the runway at Dulles Airport in Virginia when Trump was in Virginia to give a speech.

Telepathy and mind control is no longer limited to science fiction. Advances in artificial intelligence are driving medical breakthroughs that include devices capable of reading minds and even modifying brain function. Neurologist Sean Pauzauskie led the passage of Colorado's groundbreaking law to incorporate biological or brain data into the State Privacy Act, akin to how fingerprints are used for identification.

President Joe Biden on Friday addressed his poor performance in Thursday's presidential debate, just hours after he faltered on stage in his matchup against former President Donald Trump. read more

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Another one of Mark Cuban's critiques of Donald Trump has gone viral on social media, with the business mogul offering four takedowns of the former president's policies. read more

Russia's Victory Day offensive is turning into a bloodbath ... for Russian troops.

Russia's Victory Day offensive across Ukraine's northern border with Russia may have aimed to capture a wide, deep swathe of territory to bring heavy artillery closer to the city of Kharkiv, 25 miles to the south. More ambitiously, Russian commanders may have hoped to march on Kharkiv itself. read more



For you, GracieBelle.

No teleprompter required.

The thread link is to a video today on this story (the article link wouldn't post for some reason)

Here's the original X post


Here's an article two days before the pic about the same or similar Russian Gov jet on it's way to Dulles; exactly the same day this time as it did exactly one year ago to pick up Russian diplomats who had been expelled for espionage.


Here's the Rawstory link (if it posts) with some of the comments made about the story...

"Nothing to see here': Internet explodes after Trump jet parks next to Russian aircraft
Matthew Chapman

Freelance reporter Andrew Leyden posted a peculiar image to X on Friday: former President Donald Trump's private Boeing 757, sometimes referred to as "Trump Force One," parked next to a diplomatic aircraft for the Russian government at Washington Dulles International Airport."

"" but the sight of these two aircraft parked together triggered a flurry of speculation and jokes, given that the former president famously received support from the Russian government in the 2016 presidential election, and was always close with Russia's strongman leader Vladimir Putin.

Commenters on social media, in particular, offered their own theories about what was going on, with varying degrees of humor.

"Documents exchange," wrote former GOP strategist Ron Filipkowski on X.

"Last weekday in June. Time for the mid-year performance review," wrote Columbia University academic affairs dean Bill Grueskin.



They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Kinky Anymore

Really sorry for us that he's gone from here.

ethnic slur words, which are part of the original lyric, are included below


Well, a redneck nerd in a bowlin' shirt was a-guzzlin' Lone Star beer
Talking religion and-uh politics for all the world to hear.

"They oughta send you back to Russia, boy, or New York City, one.
You just want to diddle a Christian girl and you killed God's only son."

I said, "Has it occurred to you, you nerd, that that's not very nice,
We Jews believe it was Santa Claus that killed Jesus Christ."

"You know, you don't look Jewish," he said. "Near as I could figger,
I had you lamped for a slightly anemic, well-dressed country ------."

No, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.
They don't turn the other cheek the way they done before.

He started in to shoutin' and spittin' on the floor.
Lord, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.

He says, "I ain't a racist but ---------- Onaysis is one Greek we don't need,
And them ------s, Jews and Sigma Nus, all they ever do is breed.

And ---- 'n' micks 'n' slopes 'n' ----- 'n' ------ are on my list,
And there's one little ---- from the heart of Texas; is there anyone I missed?"

Well, I hits him with ever'thing I had right square between the eyes.
I says, "I'm gonna gitcha, you son of a bitch ya, for spoutin' that pack of lies.

If there's one thing I can't abide, it's an ethnocentric racist.
Now you take back what you just said 'bout ---------- Onaysis."

No, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.
We don't turn the other cheek the way we done before.
You hear that ----- holler as he hit that hardwood floor.
Lord, they ain't a-makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.

They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.
They ain't makin' carpenters who know what nails are for.
Well, the whole damn place was singin' as I strolled right out the door:
Lord, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore!

No, we ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.
We don't turn the other cheek the way they done before.
Well, the whole damn place was singin' as I strolled right out the door:
Lord, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore!


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