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Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Protests have erupted in Israel after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired the country's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Netanyahu first fired Gallant in March 2023 following their disagreement over controversial plans to overhaul the justice system. But he was forced to retract the sacking following massive public protests in several cities in Israel - an event that became known as "Gallant Night." read more

Malcolm Ferguson: Donald Trump's most recent tariffs announcement reaffirms what we already knew: He's just making things up as he goes along. read more

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

As polls open, Vice President Kamala Harris is predicted to win the election by almost every major forecaster. read more

Cases pending in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin US DOJ faced last-minute lawsuits in Missouri, Texas Detroit lawyer who promoted 2020 fraud claims, files new suits

At a rally in North Carolina, Donald Trump admitted that after getting angry with Michelle Obama, he was cautioned by his team to 'take it easy'. read more


- selling binkies

Suggested reading material:


Prof. N.T. (Tom) Wright is Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University.

It may be tough slogging for you, it's about 'worldviews', but do your best anyway.
I have faith in you &*)

Bernie Sanders Tears Into Democratic Party Over Loss to Trump: 'American People Are Angry and Want Change'


Now, BJ, mi amigo/amiga... ask Bernie whether the Trump policy agenda will be better for working people than would the Dem's?

He'll tell you the same thing about that that any Dem, and most non-partisan experts will tell you.

Trump will acerbate the problems Bernie refers to even more... much, much more.

What Bernie is saying is that things like reversing Corporate Personhood, killing Citizens United, Public Financing of Elections (paid for by Corps and Media who now pay for and produce ads anyway).

Public Healthcare (financed by drug companies and media), Higher Worker Earnings and Conditions... and a variety of other workable solutions... that almost ALL Republicans are paid to oppose in law and the Congress, some Dems, too, as it is the only way to win Office.

SO... when you invoke Bernie as an ally to your cause, realize that his solutions are not Republican solutions.

Those have always been the same: Money is speech, and the more money you have the more speech you get.

"Citizens United Explained

The 2010 Supreme Court decision further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations."


Evil is usually simpler and easier than Good... and Good tolerates Evil, but not the other way round. Don't expect any tolerance from the New Boss who is not the same, but worse than the Old Boss.

For actual Christians, not these American evangelicals who pine for Rapture and floating away into space to Heaven while looking down on everyone else... which isn't in the bible... for actual Christians who believe that there is a God who is in control; who is eternal and for whom time is a parade that he has already seen...

... these true Christians and others of good heart and spirit can take comfort in the fact that the future has been laid out for them to see if they care to look.


The ascendance of, by any cogent standard, a truly evil man to world leading power at a time when the middle East is preparing for war; his description and his actions and the geopolitical milieu of his time in undeniable detail are written down for us to see if we have eyes to see.

AND they tell us what happens next:

a 7 year Peace Plan for the Middle East brokered by the new American President (who is identified as such; the Leader of the 7th version of the world ruling empire of Rome) who then breaks the Peace himself halfway through the term of the agreement... by attacking Israel.

Whereupon the current Times End and the New Jerusalem, the marriage of the physical and the spiritual world, Begins. On Earth as originally intended, not somewhere else.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it... now that the Man of Sin, the Antichrist has, as described in detail in 2 and 3 thousand year old texts, has taken power again. I wasn't so sure before.


(the article is flawed in several ways, but... it's from a known source)

The descriptions of the Antichrist... that only one guy meets.

video and text


The Homeland of the Antichrist... more complicated, and surprising.


video and text

SO, all in all, this election is, ultimately, Good News for ALL those who aren't evil bastards.

Last update 10:15 PM ET

Exit Polls


This is a great graphic breakdown.

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