"... Even more striking is how America has outperformed its peers among the mature economies. In 1990 America accounted for about two-fifths of the overall GDP of the G7 group of advanced countries; today it is up to about half (see chart)."
This all goes back to the lies of economic statistics. For example, CA GDP in 2000 was $1.2T. Now, it is $3.9T. That is a 3x increase or a growth rate of over 5% per year over this time and population only grew from 34M to 39M, so per capita the increase was from $34K to $100K.
Now, if you know anyone from CA, they will tell you that the schools were better in 2000, the roads were better in 2000, there was way less homeless people in 2000 - so, quality of life was WAY BETTER in 2000.
Now, homes are unaffordable and you must pay an extra $20k/year to send your kid to private school.
Yet, in our Western concept, this is an improvement and advancement.
Now, Europe is a special case of self-imposed destruction due to energy policies and adopting socialist work policies that frankly make them non-competitive in the world. Their entire 'new economy' was based on selling old world luxury goods to rich Chinese. Now that China has slowed, their economies have predictably collapsed.
"@#69 ... Only according to Democrat elected members of Congress. ...
Got links?
#70 | Posted by LampLighter"
This is the last time I will provide a link for you without you trying at least 3 times to answer the question for yourself. If a 5-year old is capable of doing it, so you are you.